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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by A1pha

  1. A1pha

    LSD Abusing

    +1 for perm banrino... i see gud prof
  2. A1pha


    You must have miss read my post. Say the quota for a week is 50 claims (pretty easy to get for someone that only gets on weekends) and all but 3 staff members did not meet that quota without excuse (moving / finals ect) they would be striked. If a staff member went above and beyond and got say 350 claims for the week, he would be considered for staff of the week by higher ups. If he was honored staff of the week he would be CONSIDERED for a promotion, not promoted. Also if you do 250 claims there is no way you have learned nothing from that. You learn through experience and 250 claims is a lot of staffing experience. To think that they would have learned nothing from 250 sits is just silly. Im sure most of the mods on the staff team have less then 100 claims and they have power plenty of power (Power to ban long amounts, Noclip, !gag, Kick)
  3. A1pha


    This just seems like complaining like me sorry
  4. A1pha


    complaining about how long it takes to accept apps is not going to get yours accepted... im pretty sure sugar already knows theres an issue with the amount of admins and is planning a fix to it. Dont complain it will probably hurt you more then it will help Server i staffed 100+ hrs for we had to meet a claim quota every week (100) claims. If you didn't meet your quota without reason you were striked. At the end of the week higher ups voted on a "staff of the week" weather it be a t-mod or a mod, that person would be looked at for a promotion. It just gave everyone an incentive to meet claim quota and keep the server fun / happy place. (No im not saying this needs to be implemented, im saying something like this would better the staff team). I just believe there are too many people on the staff team just for the power / tag instead of to help people... a system like this would root out them and leave the good ones to staff the server. the bad ones could be replaced by new staff and bam! your staff team takes claims and leaves the community happy. -A1pha
  5. I think a great idea would be to make it easier to use/ insert custom wepons for classes... (With approval)
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