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Bill Nye The Russian Spy


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Bill Nye The Russian Spy

  1. Ingame name:

    Bill Nye the Christian Guy

    Steam profile:

    Previous gangs:


    Hours played:


    Hours played past week:

    Basically whole week (5-10), 1.4K on Gmod

    Gametracker score:




    What can you provide regarding raids:

    Weaponry, very good aim, coordination

    What can you provide regarding basing:

    Once again, very good aim, great base building, printers

    Do you use a mic:

    Yes, I use it regularly

    What is your favorite food:

    Your moma XD (JK, A nice medium-rare burger and fries)

  2. This is how I make money, and have fun.


    - Open up a Christian McDonalds in a high-pop area (No Shoes, No Shirt, No Fucking Service)

    - Charge dirt cheap prices for normal food, charge 50K for a roblox burger or some shit

    - Open up a kiddie area to make more money




    Or you could just base but that's boring

  3. hecko, i'm Bill Nye the Christian Guy!


    My one duty is to keep the server family friendly. I am very active, and love socializing with other christians. I love spreading the word

    of holly jesus, and purging the sinners of this server. (Dead memes to, Such as Ugandan Knuckles).


    I am easily approachable, a great guy, and most importantly, Christian!


    Wan't to pray to holly christ with me? PM me or find me in game!

    I am also accepting in game money to open a chapel.

  4. Have any tips for raiding bases? Post em' here. Remember, stay family friendly.


    Wan't to help out new players to raiding, and perhaps learn a trick or two myself.

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