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milk- last won the day on August 26 2015

milk- had the most liked content!

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  1. milk-

    Staff Sucks

    Even when there is like 5 mods on they still don't help, and most of them just go afk like if you are going afk put /job AFK!! I'm sick of going to a mod asking for help when i just get stared at becuase no one is there. I get it that mods like to roleplay but even when they are roleplaying they see crazy shit in front of them and doesn't do anything. Like if you see the same guy calling for help in admin chat and no other staff is going to them and just spend like 10 mins of your time and help the person out rather then just see him upset and not join anymore.
  2. milk-

    Staff Sucks

    Staff on TitsRP is literally a joke to be honest. I joined today and there is a head mod on with some other mods literally watching shit turn into chaos. There is skybasing, mass rdm happening and staff are not doing shit. LMFAO
  3. I am finally back, prepare to get rekt,shrekt,fisted, in the ass when I get back on. Scrubs
  4. I will give you a banana peel, and spoiled milk
  5. milk-

    Goodbye Milk!

    Today is the day I resign from moderator, I still like this server but a lot has changed not that good of staff and a lot of my old friends do not even join anymore, Good luck to all the future mods and do your job. Peace!
  6. dont worry guys i unbanned him :)
  7. that was awesome! sorry for killing you lol
  8. milk-

    I'm milk

    hi I'm milk I love milk I love people who drink milk bye
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