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Deli Man


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Deli Man

  1. Honey ham, Maple honey ham, Domestic cooked ham, krakus ham, krakus low salt ham, low salt ham, brown sugar ham.


    I'll tell it like it is.

    They broke the original kidnapping system

    It was so simplistic and great.

    Now because its basically pointless you decide to create a class which basically does what the old kidnapping job does. 


    Now my meat will go untasted FOREVER!

  2. Follow this template when posting a bug or exploit. A lot of people seem to think I know when something is broken but then when they mention it once, it magically gets fixed by the next reset. Coincidence? I think not!


    Bug / Exploit / Quality of Life:Cinema is broken, and cannot play any videos..


    Description: Saw this feature was added, and tested it. It didn't work. Played multiple videos. 


    How to reproduce: Play any video via the cinema movie screen in-game. 


    Priority: (morbidly obese)

  3. Bug



    Description: I tried using the custom class editor to try and purchase permanent armor for my CC It doesn't let me purchase it. I have the money and know how to edit my custom class.


    Summary: I want to buy permanent armor for my cc with in game money




    How to reproduce: Try and purchase in game armor at the custom class editor 


    Priority: Medium

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