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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TheDavid

  1. Fantasma told me to report it here SO NOT MY FAULT and sugar never responds to me
  2. Bug Description: When i resigned i was MOD. before having mod i was VIP and now i dont have VIP after Resigning. Gent was the one who Did the resigning for me. How to reproduce: Resign Priority: HIGH https://plays.tv/video/59e3eaa6e63f775496/3rd-encounter?from=user - where in chat you cant see i had VIP
  3. https://plays.tv/video/5a812505d4af87dc2c/attempt-1 (FanFiction Part 1) (https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=6897&highlight=Race0pone) https://plays.tv/video/5a81263ad9f6376427/part-1 (Part 2) https://plays.tv/video/5a81271461e0de769a/attempt-2 (Attempt 2) https://plays.tv/video/5a8127e9a7395c221b/booper (booper talking about him shitting himself) https://plays.tv/video/5a8101bf2bf8dd5455/k - Boopers Autistic wheeze booper's laugh is making me wanna die
  4. Is it consideredslapif youslapthe raper that is raping you?
  5. Im with you and removing kidnapping but i want Restraints back
  6. +1 to get my dick in your mouth
  7. Nah, Im just reporting TheDavid the Moderator because i was scammed by him aswell
  8. SCAMMERS ARE SCUM : List them here TheDavid(Moderator) : https://plays.tv/video/5a65434f4b0428da77/xd?from=user , https://plays.tv/video/5a6542e560b9d14132/xd?from=user , https://plays.tv/video/5a6542ad308222fc61/xd?from=user , https://plays.tv/video/5a654250c16ebb710a/xd?from=user , https://plays.tv/video/5a65447d0e6c71a338/xd , https://plays.tv/video/5a6543c2307bd5260f/xd
  9. I wanted to be free, i was kidnapped by him
  10. I was part of the sit, I asked him about the transaction and he said he payed with paypal right, I told him to screenshot the Paypal transaction, He refused bc of his father, so i told him to screen cap the wellsfargo transaction on his phone, refused to do that as well, We called bullshit and ty for confirming the bullshit
  11. TheDavid

    CP Ideas

    I saw some guy legit play as robocop , legit adverted "RECHARGING" then went into a little pod and afked it was silly af but i think a job like this would be cool, next time post this in suggestions and have more info
  12. So recently i had to go to the nurse for Jabbing scissors into my hand on accident, i was like oh alright, lets let the nurse help me right, so i go walking to the nurse with a bloody hand and once i arrive i ask if they have ABSOLUTLY NOTHING TO HELP ME. Me holding my fucken hand with Towels putting pressure on cut ask if they have Hydrogen Pioxide so i dont get a fucken infection, i ask if they had a wrap so i can stop sqeezing my hand so hard, she replys nope my last option was water, So i wash off the fucken cut and stings like a bitch. She says all we have is Soap and water so she insisted me to go home but my mom had to fucken bring the shit i needed to the school to help me. I went home and i was like wtf. This was my experience with my Nurse, she basicly said theres water and soap to help me and she could call my mom or the police if needed like BITCH YOUR JOB IS TO HELP PEOPLE NOT SEND PEOPLE HOME. So how is your Experience with School nurses?
  13. I live in California and it goes as long as for 15 seconds until i reconnect Past experience, Lets hope sugar fixed it with his latest comment
  14. What does Dub mean to you guys? In the Context of Pubg, Fortnite, etc. When someones says they got a dub whats the first thing that comes to your mind or if you dont know just type you dont know.
  15. TheDavid


    I hate that you're lazy -1
  17. 2 Mass rdmer were on when i just logged onto the server and surprisingly they legit DODGED ME and shot everyone else like that gonna change anything http://plays.tv/video/5a56db82e34dbc5229/2-mass-rdmers-right-when-i-join
  18. Question 1: If a player is standing in the street is it considerd jaywalking? Question 2: Does the entire map have to be coverd by sidewalks or just the town for jaywalking to be enfored? Question 3: Can jaywalking be AOS? Question 4: If a hobo builds on the sidewalk and a player goes around it is it considerd jaywalking? Question 5: If the law says Jaywalking AOS/5k Fine do Cops choose or not. Just a question for the community because its debatable for all of these.
  19. The T-Mods do need work, i am going to shadow the T-mods to see how they approach each sit since people have been complaining about the new waves of T-mods
  20. Exploit Description: Not getting sent to jail when kidnapped How to reproduce:You have 1 cop, 1 kidnapper, and 1 victim. First, the Cop Cuffs the victim then the kidnapper uses the bludgen and knocks out the victim, the victim then can decline fine while knocked out, you dont get sent to jail you just stay at your knocked out body, then you can use walk through the pd and get unarrested Priority: LOW
  21. https://plays.tv/video/5a44b46aeac231da61/tony-hawk
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