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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Clearly

  1. Thanks for the help, We will try this later. I got off cause of the terrible lag.
  2. Clearly


    This story tastes good
  3. So me and my friend, Huddy, have made a custom class that i payed half for, and ive also payed money to get some models for the cc. But i cant even use the models. I'm stuck with the Default models used in the cc. He is able to use the models we bought, but i cant, Even though i'm using the same CC as him and i have editor perms. He has also added the models to the "Manage Model Pool" The models we have bought are listed below. models/player/kermit.mdl models/Maximo/fff/tiara_playermodel.mdl models/player/blockdude.mdl models/helios/yodahulk35.mdl models/player/dduck/daffyduck.mdl If there is any way someone can help me That would be much appreciated.
  4. A long time ago i made this name for my account, and i can't change it, and i've been dreading for a name change. It would be amazing if someone could change my forum name to "Clearly" PS you should make a name change system for the forums. :) Thanks in advance.
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