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[FPyros] Ruby


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by [FPyros] Ruby

  1. There has been a lot of changed over the last 2 years with jobs but one i wish would come back would be Gambler. Its such a simple change but giving it a name and an official role would incorage more people to become this job. There could also be things added to the buy menu for Gamblers to put in their base. (few examples http://bit.ly/2vjmN0g http://bit.ly/2Ob2OYM ) Its a job that perfectly fits the DarkRP theme of living in a ghetto where most people make their money through drugs, printing money, and killing. Since most Gamblers make their money through unfair odds and maybe even cheating their customers.
  2. there a lot of fucking Kidnappers (i made this meme in like 5 seconds)
  3. i think the problem is that there isnt much of a reason to go into the sewer in the first place
  4. make no scamming a rule I like most the of the rules in this server and I think this server doesn't have a lot of bullshit rules in them like other servers but with out this one rule it just rule it makes selling very annoying especially for items like blowtorches. EX: X decides to buy a blow torch and gives y the money for the blowtorch but then y keeps the money and doesn't give the money or the other way around x is selling printers to y and after he buys the printers and then upgrades it the buyer just kills him. I don't think its good for RP either the same way raiding inst good for RP
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