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Skillbie.Koala SO YeeSquad


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Skillbie.Koala SO YeeSquad

  1. So, without ANYONE giving me notice of this, One-Way Props were outlawed. Honestly, this rule is not needed for these reasons:


    1) One-Way Props are a means of defense for a base. Saying that it's "Unfair for new players to raid and be shot through a One-Way Prop" is irrelevant. New players CAN build One-Way Props, we already made enough changes to raiding.


    2) Why disallow them just now? They were allowed for longer than I've been playing on this server, so why now? Why not outlaw No-collided props when basing, or Just allow One-Way Props for the outside of a base (like a wall/fading door).


    3) They're not abusive or cheating. Using a fence prop with the red portal looking material is abusing the nature of the material tool for seeing through certain props that cannot be made one way. Props that can me made one way are made that way to avoid this.


    So please, consider changing this rule or removing it outright.

    I strongly agree with Mr.President on this one because you have already changed the rules enough do now no one way props so I tried doing head glitching base get yelled at for that what do u want us to do half the guns shoot through 9 layer walls u can raid a base without going in it with the draganouv now ur make it Harder to even make a successful base considering half the new people don't read motd make one way props and get away with it

    So, without ANYONE giving me notice of this, One-Way Props were outlawed. Honestly, this rule is not needed for these reasons:


    1) One-Way Props are a means of defense for a base. Saying that it's "Unfair for new players to raid and be shot through a One-Way Prop" is irrelevant. New players CAN build One-Way Props, we already made enough changes to raiding.


    2) Why disallow them just now? They were allowed for longer than I've been playing on this server, so why now? Why not outlaw No-collided props when basing, or Just allow One-Way Props for the outside of a base (like a wall/fading door).


    3) They're not abusive or cheating. Using a fence prop with the red portal looking material is abusing the nature of the material tool for seeing through certain props that cannot be made one way. Props that can me made one way are made that way to avoid this.


    So please, consider changing this rule or removing it outright.

    I strongly agree with Mr.President on this one because you have already changed the rules enough do now no one way props so I tried doing head glitching base get yelled at for that what do u want us to do half the guns shoot through 9 layer walls u can raid a base without going in it with the draganouv now ur make it Harder to even make a successful base considering half the new people don't read motd make one way props and get away with it

  2. I also agree on this subject and also along maybe upgrading the server host because there has been  a lot of donation flowing it and i think it would improve the servers performance and rank because if u had 65 slots or 70 that would be useful

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