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  1. I have a really good idea, but it's going to have to wait till I get home
  2. Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh I have actually learned and witnessed a lot in the past week. Not including the experiences I have had when I wasn’t mod I'm serious when I mean that that wasn't a jab towards you, you know I'm just trying to help, right Bear?
  3. Please pheo dont cause petty drama, we dont want to another magicsockdust situation, plus slavery was abolished so his opinion counts and isnt worth 1/3rds smh Nah I'm sorry, that wasn't meant to cause any drama. I was just trying to help. My bad my dudes.
  4. I'm sorry but I feel like if anyone is going to clear the waters about anything, it shouldn't be a trial mod that got his rank a week ago. I'm not saying this as an offensive jab at you, I'm just saying that it's kinda strange that you're making this when you even said yourself "I mean come on. I got tmod not even a week ago. I have probably been on a total of 12 hours and I already have 270 something sits." When one of your first lines is "Alright boys, time to bring up a monthly topic that kinda gets on the whole staff teams nerves." When you haven't even been staff a month yourself. I just don't think you should be as "all-representing" of staff as you're trying to be. My point pretty much is: Don't let the complainers get to you. Just take it with a grain of salt, but accept real constructive criticism. I'm not even currently a staff member, so all I can say is some suggestions to help you out. This was my constructive criticism to help you out hopefully, and I don't mean anything ill-willed.
  5. I'm alive. I couldn't touch a computer for like a year lmfao. Old one broke and didn't have the money to get a new one. Also got thrust into college real quick so I've been extremely busy.
  6. I swear, there had to be cheerios involved.
  7. Heyo, my name's Pheo. I've never really made an intro for a server before, I kind of just randomly pop up; so there's a first for everything. I'm just a chill dude who likes watching anime and playing games. Feel free to come up to be and strike a random conversation in the game. TitsRP is one of those servers that has just grown on me, it's got me sleep deprived and ready to play more. In fact, as I'm writing this I just pulled an all-nighter so this may not be the best lmao. Garry's mod is the game that I have the most hours on, mostly because I used to play RP with a group of friends, and own a few servers/be staff on. I play other games though, so if you see that we have the same game and wanna play it feel free to ask. I'll drop a link to my steam profile if anyone wants to add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pheo_Official/.
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