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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mr.Raze

  1. Mr.Raze

    Walking slow

    Thanks, i randomly somehow automatically had +walk in my console on. my issue is fixed now.
  2. Mr.Raze

    Walking slow

    Bug Description: I'm Walking slow as heck, without holding down the slow walking button. Killing my self or rejoining doesnt work. How to reproduce: No idea Priority: High
  3. So, The !unstuck command is broken, And it never works so i always have to wait like 2 mins for an admin to come to me, And physgun me, My Thanks. Oh, And CP's are way too overpowered in my opinion, When i shoot a swat for example in the head with the full mag with a DEAGLE his health barely goes down, So i really want that fixed it gets annoying.
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