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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Unbound

  1. A couple things, please bring back adverted mugs, was killed today for literally no reason and all the guy said for his response was "Oh I was mugging you". This shit is bullshit (excuse my language) but honestly if he would've adverted mug I would be on my way. Also please make it so that people in a sit should be allowed to bring witnesses, Bobo brought me to a sit and I told him multiple times to bring a witness you saw everything and even defended me against this guy through OOC, but Bobo refused to bring him, quite frankly that is bullshit. I had proof against this guy that he rdmed me rather than mug me, yet this rdmer got off scott-free. Absolutely ridiculous.


    Bringing witnesses to a sit is a bad idea. People could just bring their friends to a sit and sense its their friend they will be very biased and possibly lie about the whole situation.


  2. Hops, please do try to keep your cool and try to prevent drama. It would be much appreciated that things didn't become like a furnace, now I am not saying that you cannot give your opinion on scenarios but, please try to keep some opinions to yourself.

  3. please some demotions need to be thrown out because of this incident, honestly whenever there is a you tube troller that gets on servers I just want to ban them for joining, we should start that if a known trolling you tuber enters the server they should be permanently banned on the spot.

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