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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Lucky

  1. they are called alt css weapons i think, i feel like those are better
  2. Lucky

    Sorry guys

    I'm not actually at home and I don't have my computer meaning I can't really get on as much as I used too and I want to go on but the most I can do is just stay on the forums and catch up, I will go on every once in a while and I hope this doesn't affect anything. Anyways hope to see anyone that gets on when I am on so that I'm noticed as much as possible
  3. Lucky

    Ghosted Props

  4. Lucky

    Ghosted Props

    i know theres an option like that in the stacker tool, but i think thats only for ghosted stacked props. im not sure, maybe still worth a shot
  5. i lost my fokhin Porsche tricycle that was my favorite what do i do now
  6. Lucky

    hi im cool

    +1 good reply hope you get it SAME. +1 for you. See you when you get mod +1 no you +1 no you I just wanted to ask, do you know that Headadmin Erston? I think he really loves those two people called El Chapo and IDon'tDoWhatIWant nerdy boy
  7. Lucky

    hi im cool

    +1 good reply hope you get it SAME. +1 for you. See you when you get mod +1 no you
  8. Lucky

    hi im cool

    +1 good reply hope you get it
  9. Lucky

    hi im cool

    hi i never actually introduced my self but im sexy i think hopefully hi
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