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La Quica


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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by La Quica

  1. Ingame name: La Quica

    Steam profile: N/A

    Previous gangs: I was a blood for a while, then I got kicked out for drinking blue Gatorade.

    Hours played: 420 hours on gmod, 420 on Tits

    Hours played past week: 420 on gmod, 420 on Tits

    Gametracker score: 420

    Age: 420

    What can you provide regarding raids: My overall rating for offense is 91. I have a 98 passing and 97 outside scoring.

    What can you provide regarding basing: My overall rating for defense is 87. I can build trenches and shit.

    Do you use a mic: Yes i always use my mic.

    What is your favorite food: Alfredo Pasta or Dick

  2. I keep losing access to my CC's, I've purchased 3 perm CC slots and now I've lost all of em everything i log off for a long period of time (8 hours or so). Now I have to ask the CC owner to keep re-adding me which is BS, because sometimes they aint even on at all. This shit has been happening for quite a while now, maybe 2 weeks or so not sure. I just want my CC's back because I've spent a lot of money on them, around +5mill.


    The CC's I've had access to and lost were


    Foxx owned by Foxx

    blitzkrieg owned by Pyros Apprentice

    Admeme on Duty owned by Gnome *Also when I was given back access to Gnome's CC, apparently he lost a shit ton of weapons too, like the Master Sword and Bacta Grenade and such, JS.


    Edit* Just wanted to point out, that everytime i get back access to the CC's i buy, they're lost again.

  3. Name: 

    -La Quica



    Steam profile link:

    - http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198089210834

    Why should we hire you?:

    - I'm a pretty chill guy, you guys could use some chill.

    Do you agree with all the rules?:

    - I do.

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