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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by NotBiased

  1. As a revolver enthusiast I agree, we need revolvers, not a reskinned deagle, some damn fine revolvers.
  2. I agree, unless your on point with your fellow cops, you'll be shot, make it so they are outlined or something
  3. I agree, the system is easily abused, and it will, the whole reason Dima took as long as he did is because every time the topic was brought up someone said no.
  4. Your hair makes you look like a stereotypical gay boi.
  5. Thread has been closed. Making public threads that could be PMed to one person (e.g, CC problems) - 1 week warning for 50% on the first offense, leading up to a ban after several offenses.
  6. Regarding this we can bring you in, but first we will be doing some digging on you as you are currently an unknown variable.
  7. Sorry mate, cant accept that, the whole purpose of this gang is to avoid politics and that means no alliances, but what I can say is that any act of aggression towards you will be for purely business, its a good offer don't get me wrong, but I'm not interested in making allies or enemy's, if you wish to make a deal regarding our services contact either me or one of the devoted.
  8. You already know the answer from our previous chat.
  9. Welcome to the Wanderer's Path, the road welcome to all. If your tired of server politics, down on your luck, nowhere else to go, even if you are hated by the entire community, the path does not care and will always take you as it's a road many walk it, but few stay mind you. We are a group of wandering mercenary's drifting to conflict after conflict, fighting for the highest bidder, regardless of who they are and what they have done. We do not care about your past live, your riches, none of it, we want soldiers that will be loyal to the Path in the duration of their travels, breaking anything of the following rules will result in immediate termination. 1. Stay loyal to the path, do not harm any who walk it 2. You must let go of your past and start anew when you walk the path 3. Neutrality is key, unless you are payed to do otherwise. 4. Listen to those who have walked before you or be punished. Hierarchy The Lost: Valentine The Devoted: Sai Kalysta The Initiates: Daniel Application Name: Age: [align=left]Why you wish to join: [/align] Do you understand that not following the rules results in immediate termination: Do you agree to leave your past behind you and start anew: What do you bring apart from your wealth:
  10. But the question remains, can it run doom?
  11. I understand being stuck in a raid but if your basing staff should advisably base with another player so someone covers the base whilst they are out on sits.
  12. Not really sure what you mean. Building signs aren't against the rules. He means a building sign with Ents you dip.
  13. Vigilante already exists, and it's literally called batman, and fugitive just seems boring, your only thing is to hide from the cops?
  14. +1 also because it makes no sense to let kidnappers hold people 5 min for no reason but CP can only jail for 4 min... if you're a terrorist. (Kidnapping is still cancer) Make CP inaccessible if you have less than x hours on the server like most servers do so people can learn the rules before trying to enforce them. And maybe a CP Cadet job that has limited access to CP tools and can be trained by more experienced CP that will now be able to distinguish people who don't know what they're doing yet. For the part where you need hours to be cp, thats smart and somehow maybe make it so you have to be playing and you cant afk to get hours to play cp Just have a test to take before being able to do CP classes, people are a lot less willing to put in effort to be a CP if they go minging. I agree, I bought one server rack and all the upgrades, I lost so much money on that shit.
  15. NotBiased

    DMG Values

    Damage doesnt equal best, it would work better if he tested them out himself, as therre more factors such as reload speed, fire rate, etc etc.
  16. Im not against this, as the pack has nice looking guns I like and we might get more visual variety out of it, I would support a change to m9k on the test server to see how it works out.
  17. Just because we can afford it don't make it right.
  18. Make it so when a mayors assassin is about the CP have some sort of constant notification, I just had a guy kill 7 people because he had assumed there was an assassin about.
  19. Permanent forums Pan for not putting this in general discussion. On the other hand nice meeting you mate, good to see a more active presence from the admins.
  20. First off, whoever says AFK is LTAP, you're probably retarded, AFKing isn't LTAP, it's at most refusal to comply with staff, secondly if someone leaves after X or Y calls RDM I'm going to assume it's LTAP, one thing I've learned about gmod is no matter what, some asshat will call RDM when you kill them for a valid reason, so stick around after you kill them.If they appeal the ban, then I will do one of three things, unban, interrogate on the forums, or just say sucks if I don't believe it. You can't read their mind to find out why they left, you only know that they left.
  21. Thanks for the report, user has been panned.
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