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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Fraidz

  1. Fraidz


    As of recently, I got demoted, however thing is I lost my VIP rank that I had long before I got T-Mod. Could I atleast have back the rank I got b4 Tmod???
  2. 1) We are still trying to get members 2) Its not even 24 hours old yet...
  3. Accepted Mainly since we know you in-game ;) Accepted Nah. BlqBlacNova is just toxic since hes seen as grow and has nothing better to do than to be toxic :/ Only the Gang Heads are friends whom actually know each other.
  4. OFFICIAL CLAN: Roster: [align=center] NOW HIRING NOW! RIGHT NOW WE'RE HIRING NOW! Heads h3 murphy [/align] h3 Cheeks [align=center]h3 Fraidz Co-Heads: h3 Hipikayay Sovi[/align] h3 Monkey D Goofy [align=center] Sub-Heads: [/align] [align=center] h3 Jordon Phillips Elders: h3 Term676 Members: h3 Squeekball[/align] h3 The Most Wanted [align=center]h3 La Quica h3 Might Newbies ------------ Rules: Respect each player for their rank and follow instructions from higherups. No raiding/mugging/stealing each other. Do not minge with other clan members unless they are fine with it. If a member is in need and needs help, try your best to help them. Do not blow up other people's stuff UNLESS they have blown up your stuff (External players from the clan). If a clan member requests for others to base with them, always try to help them out. If you want to leave our clan, you need contact the leaders first. ALLIES OF THE LAW (DO NOT RAID): [align=left] De_stroyed [/align] ENEMIES OF THE LAW (RAID AND ANNOY AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE): [align=left] Cicada Thurlow Redrum xXSilly1337Xx Piklas The Maverick [/align] Application Format: Name: - Age: - Steam profile link: - Why should we hire you?: - Do you agree with all the rules?: - [/align]
  5. Search for these in prop search: 1)Silo 2) Overpass 3) CoveredBridge01_left 4) CoveredBridge01_top 5) CS_militia 6) All the stuff in : Jet 7) combine_apc_dynamic :/ :/ :/ :/
  6. Like you: Cause u actually take sits and try to help people... No homo... No Bj.... No $5...
  7. I mean life its still pretty broken since there are users who dont follwo the rules and do actually raid. Thats why im making this discusstion.
  8. Recently today, I had just bought 4 maxed out printers, 3 Maxed out processors and 2 Pro miners. The Jigsaw:zachthehacker did !sleep and teleported into my abse and didnt directly kill himself right after, so my base mate ran after him trying to kill him, however, he ran into the room filled with all the money printing devices and my baser missed a shot and all of my stuff exploded. Thatoneguy72 explained how everything happened through the logs. PS Im really salty.
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