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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by PH8TLComa1

  1. okay from my understanding, seek came to me and asked me to talk to Dascj the player who banned him, I sent musical a picture i no longer have stating dascj had approved the player could be unbanned because it wasn't necessary. Then musical confirmed dindu could. If it's anyone's fault no one should be penalized and I will refuse to talk to staff for others from now on. This is getting a bit out of hand as I see it. Musical was going based off of Noot Noot, who seek originally thought he was banned by, then noot noot told musical it was dascj. They both confirmed the unban.


    Okay he has been unbanned twice now. You are talking about the second account of his "unbanning." I doubt anyone will come forward about his first "unbanning" because; A, someone doesn't want to admit they fucked up, or; B, they didn't fuck up and they thought this situation would go unnoticed.


    I honestly don't know why DasCJ would change his mind about a ban involving Mass-RDM, especially when the culprit's best answer to, "why did you do it" was something along the lines of, "I just wanted to have some fun." You don't forget something like that easily.


    If he is to be unbanned I simply request that he be watched for the first few days and any infractions result in more serve punishments.

  2. I also would like to know the reason of this unban. Three T-mods were on including, myself, Noot Noot, and a final person whose name I can only recall began with a C. Seekndstroy was banned for Mass RDM; which is usually dealt with in a strict way. He didn't even serve 1/2 of the 24 hour punishment that was meant to be extended to a week. Naz was recently demoted because of a similar action; showing favoritism when dealing with a situation, so why is this allowed to happen?


    Proof of no ban appeal




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