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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Zelek

  1. Application for The LeBlanc Family: In Game Name - Zelek Why I Want To Be In The LeBlanc Family: Well when I joined the server I started noticing more and more of the LeBlanc family and have wanted to join. Well when I found this I saw a chance. I've always wanted to be in a group of people who played on the same server and had a high presence. I'm well aquainted with most of the LeBlanc members and have based with them once. It would mean a lot to be accepted into the LeBlanc family. Why I Should Be Accepted: I am a very good baser as well as a very trustworthy person. I have NEVER had any problems with any person i've based with or been with including the LeBlanc Family.
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