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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by �Almost�B@ked�

  1. 1. there were many players online ate the time 2. a lot of staff were on im not dumb enough to try and pull that on a populated server like cmon 3. they were within the same 20 minutes as i played the class for a short time 4. because i get bored and I probably just happened to log off when i was being reported, i had no idea that anyone was reporting me, for i didnt break any rules so i felt no obligation to stay online. 5. im not sure why i would post a ban appeal if i was a minge, wouldnt i just move to another server or give my gmod to another account?
  2. thats why i got a ban without a sit right? please think before you reply
  3. the general stupidity of some of the staff force in the recent months is becoming bordeline mingelike. staff, especially tmods, will abuse until the get caught which they never do because most of the main staff just dont give a shit.
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