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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by HerosOnHeroin

  1. So lets begin why. So i was in a sit about owning doors and gave up with the prick of a admin. He warned me and i left the building. I then raided the guy. Killing both him and the mod. Now the guy who owned the building Naz came back and broke nlr and placed a building a sign. I reported this to the admin and his respones was as shown in my screenshots.


    Evidence: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198142699448/screenshots/

    He refuses to warn him and then kicks my for being toxic which i wasn't i only wanted him warned.

    He called me smart and refuses to warn him please either demote him because he wouldn't even take my sit and then wouldn't warn him even though he could tell what he did.

    This is clear what an admin shouldn't be doing and its terrible to see that this server hires shit admin like him who will call u smart if someone nlrs.


    His name MusicalProdigy1388

    Steam id (STEAM_0:0:83147435)


    please someone do something to him and tell him lots of loves from herosonheroin the guy he fucked over.

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