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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by MagicSockDust

  1. Well guys, I guess this is goodbye. Played the server since 2k15 and my reputation is ruined. Nobody likes me, and I'm not asking for pitty just stating my reason for leaving. Seeya guys! Ill miss the few that liked me. Please Ban me PERM Sugar.

  2. Wait I didn't know I got a ban for rdm and ltap I never intentionally ltap I was just getting on my main to access my cc I swear to god. Why was I getting banned for rdm and ltap I don't even know at what point I rdm'd someone and if so why wasn't the situation brought to me on my main when I logged onto it? I obviously would have served my ban duration.

  3. Am I the only one that misses black out bases? I think there should be some handicap if you decide to use a blackout base such as only having 1 fading door as apposed to the normal 3. Maybe not 1 way props If you have a black out entrance. Just a suggestion, let me know what you think?

  4. Lol, yeah I'm sure like 99% of this story was left out. If you feel your ban was false make a report for unban, and if you think he was in the wrong report him. Make sure you have proof or nothing matters.

  5. The Custom Class had the following:

    Dragonuve SVU - 5$

    Double Barrel - 5$

    SPidey gun - 5$

    Medkit - 5$

    C4 - 10$

    Armor - 5$

    Lockpick - 5$

    Custom playermodel - IDK price of it


    Anything on here can be changed by asking sugar(the owner) i roughly spent 45$


    AM ASKING 25-30$ via paypal

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