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IT Joe


IT Joe last won the day on April 17 2017

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About IT Joe

  • Birthday 01/21/1999


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  1. IT Joe

    CC Editor

    Description: Only 4 Weapons show How to reproduce: Change your cc wep Priority:very Medium
  2. theres should be jobs that make money like farmers or parcel runners. Any one can buy bit miners and printers, mine and chop trees, grow and sell the dank kush, craft sledge hammers to sell, Its not unique. Maybe have a job that can only mine and chop wood for more money. That would also make the prossesor more usefull if it puked out a pickaxe. Maybe farmers that can be the only class to buy plant plots and more than 3.
  3. I think Vip should get more Tool options (rope, more baloons, lights, thrusters, propeties, ect). I wnat to make cool thing for people but lack the proper tools. :-/
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