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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Khaztraz

  1. Hi There


    I hate to bring this up but it's gotten to a point that i've actively been testing to see if i'm correct and so far I haven't gotten anything. What I'm talking about is the response time when trying to speak with an admin using admin chat or just reporting in game something happening to you in that moment. It could be rdm, rda, prop blocking, in the last 2 weeks all 3 have happened to me some more then others to a total of at least 15 different situations I would need an admin's help. Sometimes it's to see if you can pull a player aside because this is the 2nd time he arrested me when i've barely left spawn after the last time. Both for no reason as I tried to ask him both times and the cop gave me no answer.. After trying to reach an admin using @ with a few messages and some time. Nothing the cop doesn't care and moves on and I lose my time. Fine it happens I moved on and tried to forget but sadly I have literally only been able to talk to an admin on 2 seperate occasions, none of which were the ones listed above.


    They are: 


    1. I was new to the server and was building a base and I abused the fading door to stop a raid by coming in through the door without using the keypad. I understood my mistake apologized, the admin was the one raiding and called me out when I killed him and then he left never to be seen again. 


    2. I was a swat medic and witnessed a murder of a man outside another man's house. I tried to talk to him he went back inside of his home and as he tried to lock the door I opened it, wanted him and arrested him.  A few seconds later I get tped to an admin sit where the one I arrested had complained I had random arrested him. I explained what happened the admin listened and agreed I was ok to arrest. Returned.




    Am I just not someone who needs help? I  understand sometimes they are busy or don't see the chat but this isn't a one time, two time, 5 time, 8 time thing. This has happened enough to where I had to make a post on the forum addressing it. I'm not trying to be mean or rude or even negative. I'm just wondering if there is anyway this can be fixed. I like the dark rp server a decent amount and what sparked this is I had tried to sell some vapes I had gotten and as I finished setting up my shop. I get what i think is a customer. I open the fading door of my shop to show him the vape and he kills me and leaves, not a raid or anything just a drive by murder. I try to talk to an admin of which at the least I had seen a trial mod on. But after some messages, some more time waiting, and even another message or two when things died down. Nothing.


    I just have never once been able to talk to, report in game, or even really do anything with an admin unless it had to do with their agenda, at least seemingly. It dissapoints me sadly and I will continue to come on the server because I do have fun. But If I can't get in contact with anyone  the next time few times something like this happens, and I assure you there is always a next time, i'm sorry to say I'll probably stop connecting to it. 


    To be fair the 2 times I have spoken to an admin they were polite, collected, and fair with their judgements. But the lack of response makes me feel like I can lose anything I work for at any moment and although that's part of the fun. The fact that if I get rdmed or if I get prop blocked into my house or I get rda repeatedely as I leave spawn and I can't even get in contact with the staff online but the the one time i've made a mistake and the other when I was accused of a rda I was immediately tped and brought to an admin sit,  I can't help but want to stop playing. If I had at least some success I wouldn't be here but i'm batting an average 0 right now. Really hope next few times I get in a mess I can reach an admin. Thanks for reading and sorry if I came off like a tw*t but I am pretty tired this.

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