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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by noarmsduck

  1. Yeah it's a dick move. I've seen it happen with kingdoms a couple times. One guy joins, leaves an hour later and gives the keypad codes to a bunch of raiders and raids it with them. Probably shouldn't be allowed. Definitely shouldn't be allowed if they raid someone they are currently in a party with.
  2. I've seen a few people use the Illuminati class. It's the one that looks like a floating third eye symbol that's pretty much the same size as the egg.
  3. I just had a few thoughts on the player models. I've notice a few that are 1/2 or 1/4 the size of a normal player model (one was like a third eye symbol, one was like an imp, another was a little kid). I've seen models like these used on other servers and they are problematic because their hitboxes are very small compared to the norm. Just something I thought I would mention and get input on, as a model like this can give a player quite the advantage in a gunfight.
  4. I think I tried selling my harvested product to him and he didn't offer anything for them. I really just need to know how to turn harvested into processed. You can't sell processed stuff, they're just for player usage. To sell your harvested drugs, collect them(Don't press e on them twice, it will turn them into materials that you can't sell) and grav gun it into the harvest buyer, which will drop money for you to pick up. Because there's only one harvest buyer in the entire map, I suggest you start a farm in the two patch of land near the harvest buyer(You can become a hobo and make an enclosed farm if you fancy.) Note: If you don't know, harvest buyer location connects ghetto, warehouses, and downtown If you still don't understand, you can contact me and I can make a video showing you how to do it. This clears everything up, I should be able to sell my weed stockpile now next time I'm on! Thanks!
  5. I think I tried selling my harvested product to him and he didn't offer anything for them. I really just need to know how to turn harvested into processed.
  6. So this seems like it should have a simple explanation but I'm unable to do anything with drugs. When I have them on me, the NPC will only tell me prices and not buy from me. Also, I need to know how to turn harvested drugs into the product in order to sell them. I have purchased a drug processor, but it does not let me interact with it (pressing E does nothing, putting harvested drugs on top of it does nothing), so I don't really know what to do.
  7. One more question. When I prick someone for blood, how do I get that into the forge? Like no blood shows up in my inventory, and I tried clicking right and left with the syringe on the forge but nothing is working EDIT: nvm, noticed the blood bags dropping
  8. Thanks! That was very helpful. Now I just need to find a time when the class quota isn't full lol
  9. Can someone give me the lowdown on this class? As in how to modify weapons, what I need and how I use it, etc. I've only been one once, and nothing was readily apparent, so I'd like to know how to play the class.
  10. I don't know much of the situation or the cliques and alliances on this server as I've only been playing here for a week or two. I can say from my experience on other servers that bias is unfortunately something that shows up everywhere. A server I was on a year or two ago had a group of VIPs always on and basing together, and when they didn't get their way they would all lie for each other and the staff would take their word for it because they had the numbers of a majority in an otherwise ambiguous situation. They basically had a bunch of pay2win classes that mods and VIPs used and they got super butthurt when someone actually beat them. I haven't seen anything like that on this server but the point of this is that people will lie to support their friends or in the very least try to back them in some way. As OP is saying, I agree that the only things that should be considered are absolutes: screenshots, vids, console logs, stuff like that. Perhaps if there is some sort of conflict of interest, parties with relationships to players in conflict (whether those relationships are positive or negative) should be excused from voting and weighing in.
  11. That makes sense. So the bounty list in PD is sort of like a most wanted list. The bounty hunter gets a cut of the bounty for bringing the criminal down for the cops, which is the same amount the cops would get if they handcuffed the criminal and the criminal agreed to pay the fine. Also, like I said I don't have a problem with the actual amount of the bounty rewards, it was just kind of a buzzkill getting a 40k bounty and getting paid 4k for completing. Maybe they could add in text saying something like "you will be paid a percentage of the criminal's bounty." It would just make things more clear. Anyways, thanks for the explanation
  12. So I would just like some clarification on how bounties work. As I understand it there are two types of bounties: one that a bounty hunter can pickpocket from cops and then pursue a target, and also a bounty list for the police themselves as visible on the board in PD. So what do the bounty targets and amounts mean for the police? Are they just a way of gauging the threat of the criminal, or is there a way for the police to collect the bounty amount by bringing the target in? Also, this is just a small suggestion, but it would be helpful if it displayed the actual bounty amount when bounty hunters get their targets. Last week the actual payout was like 1/4 of the shown amount, and now it's like 1/10. I have no problem with the amounts themselves if that's what the staff deems appropriate, but it would just be nice if the player is told the proper amount off the bat.
  13. Hey everyone, I go by SidSeal ingame so you may or may not recognize that name. I usually play law enforcement, gun/black market dealer, or bounty hunter. Hope to have some fun with you guys on the server.
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