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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by ajvick0075

  1. I feel like if it's not in the motd then you can just make up stuff to work in your favor, he obviously had the intent to kidnap you, and many people kidnap with others who are not on their door. It would be one thing if he just knocked you and left you where you were and then killed you, but according to this, that is not what happened. When people kidnap someone they don't always take them back to their house, so why should we treat this any differently? Also when you are kidnapped you are helpless and can't really do anything besides hope and pray they don't kill you. Your life is legit in those people's hands at that point. The rule should state if you successfully kidnap someone and have to intent to kidnap them then you can do as you please, however if you fail to kidnap someone then you cannot kill that person because you have failed. That's my opinion
  2. Never heard of that rule.
  3. I feel like things would get toxic leading to a bunch of sits that don't really need to be made. -1
  4. Model is a handicap for bad players? I like the model so I use it, doesn't make me a bad player, if I'm in the rdm zone and people complain I change it.
  5. I have a dude that had been successfully raided 2 times, one of those times jacket spammed like 20 smokes in there and it lagged it me hard, the other time was a group of 6 they were using c4 like they had an endless supply, 4 of them ended up dying but the other 2 ended up getting through. My point is it's either just me or me and 1 other person in my base with me. I can defend and defend my base by myself with people tossing c4 easily. If they hide behind a wall then wait for them to start making their way inside the base then shoot. It's all about strategy, I promise there are ways around everything, you just gotta think about them.
  6. The timer just stops, it happened to me last night, they purposely spawned in a c4 because they knew it would stop the timer on my c4, so mine read 22 secs but really it was still counting down and blew up and killed me.
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