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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by AceThat

  1. Okay here's a long post: I feel like raiding on this server is king of dumb... First off you can just get RDMed when your outside and people will say they're raiding you then you have no hope of defending your base, at least make them advert if they're allowed to do that. Second C4 is way too OP and just defeats the purpose of a lot of bases. and Third you don't even get anything from raiding, you literally just blow up the person's stuff which isn't fun for anyone really
  2. Does anyone else thing that it'd be a good idea to add custom player models for CC in the donation shop? I feel like a lot of lazy people (including me) would rather lay down like $15-$20 for a cool model rather than farm $30mil ingame...
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