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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Grammar

  1. I know that we would get comp but I don't think the problem lies in spawning with C4 but with the power of the C4 because if it only knocked down one prop it would be much harder to raid every base.
  2. I originally voted for number 3 but now I think number 4 might be the best choice because it allows the players who have payed real money for their classes to use their C4 for what it is meant for which is to knock down a door, not to completely demolish a base. But it also allows anyone to have the overpowered C4 but for a price. I do think that C4 on spawn can be overpowered but if you were to modify it like you say your are going to it becomes more like a permanent lockpick that takes 30 seconds.
  3. I once had a dream so I wrote it down. Heres the link http://www.archives.gov/press/exhibits/dream-speech.pdf
  4. I dont remember what cars i had but the price was about 3 050 000 ish but you have logs so check exacts i guess
  5. I had been receiving reports tonight that the 2 people in the attached screenshots were killing people with buttons so i started spectating them and saw this weird shit. They were standing there staring at the things for about 3 minutes then they each picked one up and instantly the server crashed. Not sure if that was involved or just coincidence. They are however new players and they were trying to cause trouble so somebody should check out DDOS with them or maybe some weird glitch with that prop. Screenshots as the server was crashing http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=491244023 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=491244071 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=491244116
  6. As some of you may know, I was banned by Morins for two days. I'm not going to complain about it or anything. But it has been almost three days and I am still banned, I would appreciate if someone unbanned me now that it has been more than 2 days. Thank you, Happy Hitler, Formerly Grammar Nazi This has been resolved
  7. What did i ever do to you, why are you going after me for no reason, that is clearly a suggestion
  8. i haven't shitposted anything, all i have posted is a ban appeal and a suggestion, it seems like you just have something against me
  9. After recently joining the forums, it seems that multiple times people are banned immediately before warns so i would suggest adding an official document on the forums outlining exactly what must be done for punishment and not leaving so much up to the "mood" that the specific staff member is in
  10. Personally, i think that 1 warning/1-2 day ban is a very wide range of punishment for one nlr break. Just a little bit extreme even still, why did i get banned and leon did not even though he was killed during a raid???
  11. You killed Leon after the raid started and you allowed him to come back, Allysa even said that afterwards. And you started to ban me before I killed Leon so i got mad and killed him because you were being a bad staff member and not listening to me at all. and holding someone in the air while banning them without listening to a word they're saying is not an "admin sit' at all, it's just an abuse of your admin privileges
  12. What is your in game name because if you are Leon, then you are lying And I know it was staff that was raiding, and I did not shoot anyone outside of my base so thats a lie. Even if you were only in front of the base after the explosion, that is still breaking NLR so you were the first one to do it
  13. Not sure why I was banned, but here's what happened: My base was being raided and I had died in it, somebody who was raiding had also died but had returned. I went back to the base to tell him to leave because no Staff would answer in admin chat. When I got there Morins cornered me and said "see you in a couple days" then banned me. He didn't ask me what happened but instead just banned me because it was his raid and he didn't want to lose. Just wondering why I was banned before being warned or even in a sit, and I would appreciate being unbanned because i shouldn't have been in the first place.
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