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Very Big Peen


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Very Big Peen

  1. Last night I ran into some problems with the police that were somewhat annoying.


    I had built a megabase as a King, and turned it into a big bank for people to store illegals for free. 

    I spent a good hour or two just setting it up (I'm not that great of a builder).


    Of course, the cops would hear printers so they'd warrant it and try to get in. I don't really have a problem with that, except when this happens:



    I witnessed one cop running around knocking down every single exterior wall of my megabase just for shits and giggles.

    Luckily for me, I had it all saved as a dupe so I easily respawned all of it, but what if this were a non-VIP that had spent hours of work setting all that up, only to have it all knocked down in seconds by a cop?

    Of course I requested a sit, but the moderator explained that there was unfortunately no rule prohibiting what the cop had done, so he was let free without any kind of warning.


    My little suggestion is that there should be a rule only allowing cops to battering ram whatever is NECESSARY to get to illegals. They shouldn't be able to battering ram props that are obviously not hiding anything, such as exterior walls like that.


    Oh, and also, house alarms can't be put onto doors by regular users for some reason (it might also be VIP's only that don't have permission, not sure). Any time I wanted to put an alarm on my door I'd have to call a moderator over to do it for me. They told me to mention that on here.


    Thank you for reading <3

  2. Just a few suggestions...



    Hazmat was a great idea, but it's too boring and repetitive which is why nobody plays it.

    How about making a parent job to it (say CDC Scientist) that develops vaccines and cures for multiple different diseases and sells them to the public? It doesn't have to be just ebola.


    Food service jobs? Why don't we actually use hungermod, which is disabled by default in DarkRP.


    Wallet should have a cap, say $20,000. Any more than that gets put into an account at the bank, and the bank manager makes profits by investing players' money. He can also pay bank guards / tellers to protect the bank from raids.

    This would help keep the economy balanced. If the bank manager fucks up and loses all the player's money, then they have to actually work again to make the money back. Of course, it wouldn't be all the money, but a significant potion of it should be allowed to be invested, leaving some for security. There are people running around with millions of dollars and all they do is raid people, which is really fucking annoying. I personally as a player hate raiding. I've never raided a single person on this server in the almost 100 hours I have on it, yet the only legitimate way to make money is to be a CP, which still involves a lot of raiding...


    Bus / taxi drivers (other jobs shouldn't be allowed to spawn cars, but Taxi drivers should be able to spawn a car for a price and drive people around to make a profit)


    Code Enforcement. The mayor could be able to make laws about how you build a base and code enforcement can fine people for violating the code.


    Mailman - delivers advertisements and packages (shipments for example) to people for a price.


    Teacher / students - not sure how effective / enforceable this would be though... Maybe someone has an idea for it.


    Janitors - clean up blood stains from the streets and patch bullet holes for payment, answering to the mayor.


    Farmer - grow crops to sell to restaurants to make food.

  3. If you're half-competent, you'll have already noticed that:

    1. I'm a minge
    2. Every time you execute a ULX command, the server goes to heck for 10 seconds

    This is very simple, and it's because your bans database has gotten so big that every time you run a ULX command, it has to refresh it and due to its size, it can take upwards of 5-15 seconds.

    This will only get worse.


    You either have to unban everyone or just reinstall ulx (either one yields the same result)

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