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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Hodor

  1. Were you the ones outside of our base that used like 4-5 C4s in ONE spot and didn't get past it? heh
  2. Hodor

    Add Wiremod!

    I know about how that mod can be abused, and I'm betting the money printer and teleport demonstration included a tool called e2. Maybe though if I ever get VIP (and possibly some other people that like wiremod and know how to use it) here you could possibly add it.. and maybe moneydetector or moneypot xd One of the simpler Auto-Gun Shops i've ever made
  3. Hodor

    Add Wiremod!

    Very easy to add, and lots of extra fun and base defense! Me and friends LOVE to make automatic gun stores.
  4. The previous large community I was on had a corrupted leader and corrupt admins, I had been with that server for a long time and after leaving that, I found this server and this one seems like a gem in a tide of shit DarkRP servers. I will be posting an admin app in the future to share my experience from my experiences, hecko everyone.
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