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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Carbonnitratelilypad

  1. Hmm, the situation made it seem like you were banning me for continuously killing the monster hunter. Forgive my misconception.
  2. I was rdming people and I got 4 warnings. So as an easy way to have fun while still being on a killing spree and not get the last warning I became a monster for there was a monster hunter on the server at that time. So I got a double barrel and started actively shooting him on sight. However I didn't go and seek him out because that was his job, his name was Leon by the way, and I just stayed at the intersection where people like to set up shops and bases and kept killing him on sight. Eventually Madara came by and saw me blow Leon's brains all over the wall, and I think Leon called it RDM, but I can't be sure for I was trying to run away from Madara because he got his double barrel out. He aimed, and shot me in the back of the skull. Then he banned me with the message of "you have been warned sir" as the reason.
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