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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by RamonZ

  1. Bug


    Description: If you modify a weapon and you drop it and pick it up again the special will be gone.


    Reproduce: Modify a weapon with a special --> Drop it --> Pick it up again --> The special will be gone.


    Priority: Medium


    There might be more circumstances where the special disappears I am not sure.

  2. Recently the code of my custom class Combat Prototype got leaked out. People spammed it in anon and now all kinds of random people are using it and even selling it apparently. Is there some kind of command to change the code of your custom class and if not, can someone please change the code?

  3. Description: You can get any weapon that is in the cc editor for free.


    How to reproduce: Have a custom class and go to the cc editor --> Change one of your weapons to the weapon you want --> Suicide and go back to the cc editor --> Change the weapon back --> You can now holster the weapon.


    Priority: Very high

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