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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Crumpaloo

  1. Pretty straightforward, there are certain items that will just fall through props, this is really annoying if you are fishing and you catch one of these items, only for it to sink into the bottom of the ocean because the floor props wont collide with it. same thing with alchemy potions they phase through props so if you got props on your floor you wont be able to pick up the potion if it gets dropped. All i can really suggest is to make it so you can inventory pocket these items as soon as you catch one fishing or just make potions collide-able with props.
  2. Daaaang thats lame af, so why do people make it if they can just legacy forge one?
  3. Im close to making it and id rather get money i know ill have selling it then using it, so that being said how much do these go for? Bank last time i checked is at 60m so should the price be proportional to that, thanks in advance...
  4. I mean i agree with Kiwi's method of gain spirit jars, i tried it out yesterday and it got me a few doing this, but then again i kinda get the impression that if people only hop on spirit-caller to drop jars from themselves it kinda takes away the role play purpose of him, to go around and fk with people and take their jars, people have enough spirit jars as it is, so unless they are hold up in a base taking their own dark spirit jars it feels like its going down the road of medic or drug dealer, where you do your one thing and then switch jobs.
  5. I dont mean they are just "uncommon" i mean its such a rarity to find people that have them WITH xp that the ratio of regular spirit jars to actual dark spirit jars is something like 400:1. This makes crafting talismans almost impossible and just leads to unnecessary time spent roaming around as spirit caller finding people who HAVE dark spirit but no xp to obtain from them. Like im pretty sure this mechanic was made to prevent spamming and selling talismens but its made it to the point where noone goes spirit caller anymore because everyone already has 500+ spirit jars and 0 dark ones.
  6. These mechanics, voice mute, and warn only go so far. Voice mute can be cancelled entirely just by re logging into the server to reset the voice mutes people have on you. Secondly, Warns just delay the inevitable, and if i wanna chill out i cant be warning the same person every 30 seconds cause they wont leave me the fuck alone. Lastly i have called staff about these issues, several times, talking about targeted harassment and ive been ignored about every time i do, and forced to either to delete the bar and hope they leave me alone, or continue to get fucked with in the hopes that they will get bored and leave. The lack of rules about this subject dont make rp more fun or enjoyable, it just leaves open a back door for minges to fuck with people and the staff to shrug their shoulders because there are no rules for them to enforce in the first place.
  7. No The definition of public bases is flawed and outdated, let me show you. First, looking at MOTD the rules describe a public base as "a place with open doors such as a restaurant" Yet as SuccTheZucc has described, any kind of entity that can lead to you "earning money" or "boosting your inventory" means your base is up for raiding, so tell me, why would MOTD have its example of a public base be a restaurant when as the restaurant owner job you are actively making money through a money-making entity by "earning money" and "boosting your inventory" by selling or keeping food for yourself? It contradicts its own description of a public base in the same breath. So either that Means that SuccTheZucc is wrong about what constitutes a Money-Making-Entity, MOTD is Wrong about what constitutes a Public Base, Or that maybe, JUST MAYBE the rules are so damn vague that nobody knows how to properly interpreted them? Even your assumption that Public Bases being treated the same as Public areas is just Speculation as nowhere in MOTD does it state that. So maybe instead of leaving everything up to the interpretation of the staff have more clearer rules and save everyone the pain and hassle?
  8. I dont mean literal loophole of rules, moreover the fact that there are no rules to prevent these kinds of behaviors in the fist place and minges can abuse that. If the purpose of a Public base is to chill out like hows its described in MOTD then these behaviors left unchecked go against the very idea of having them in the first place and as such require change, big or small.
  9. Sorry if it was lost in the Post but i was talking about protecting your boombox with fading doors getting you raided, not the boombox itself. Also for the Chem Dealer and Gundealer thing, gun shipments and Alchemy tables dont have a big sign on them that says "take money" you can craft items but getting money as soon as you make them? idk, if i gotta hand out free potions to get a fading door in im all for it, gun-dealer thing wasn't really the main point i was trying to make anyway. Alot of the stuff that may seem like not a problem is because minges will always have a work around, and the only thing thats gonna stop that are rules which the public base section is lacking in, both in detail and context so at the very least the rules need to be more clear if nothing else. (i.e if theres some unspoken rules about Public bases or some le-way about other ones they need to be clarified or they will be abused or ignored)
  10. Public Bases 80% of the time without a problem, you can have your bar, fishing spot, restaurant, etc. with no problem whatsoever. But what happens when a minge will do everything in his power to make your chill out spot a living heck? Well thats what i wanna talk about today. First its good to refresh on what exactly IS a public base and how its rules are set, below are the parts of MOTD that talk about public bases: "A public base is a place with open doors such as a restaurant. For your base to be considered a public base, you must place a sign indicating it as a "Public Base." You may not have money-making entities inside/it will be treated as a building sign. If the base does have closed and locked doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the base is considered raid-able." "Trespassing makes you KoS. This means if you trespass someone's house while they are "building" you will die. If it is a public base, you must be warned to leave first." So now that we know what Public Bases are and the rules about them, we can address some of the problems that these rules dont address: Problems/Solutions Problem 1: Boomboxes are considered entities and preventing access to them can make a public base raid-able. There is literally no reason a boombox should be the difference in a bar with no farm-able entities being blown up, having everyone killed, raided and just being left well enough alone. Boomboxes do not create money and therefore should be safe from being blown up if the person who has it is not ear-raping songs through it. If you think people wouldn't do this over something so minor, they have and will. Without a rule protecting people from playing chill music in their public base, minges will continue to blow them up. Solution: 1: Add a rule that states so long as they arent ear-raping Boomboxes in Public Bases are considered non-raid-able entities and that blowing them up is a warn-able offense, either that or allow boomboxes to be protected via a fading door if the area the boombox is in is transparent to prevent hiding farm-able entities. Problem 2: With unrestricted access, minges can go hobo and ear-rape both the customers and the owner, and even when both the customer and player mute the person, the minge in context can leave the server and rejoin to reset the voice chat mute and continue to ear-rape them, even worst they can play ear-rape on their boombox. I know some of you have told me "just warn them or blow up their boombox" but all that just does is give you 15 seconds of peace at best, and at worst they just stand right outside your door and earslapfrom there. Solution 2: Add a Rule that States Hobos/Players that are not the owner boombox's to be not allowed in, or in the very near vicinity of a Public base. Public bases are meant for players that just wanna hang out and chill, having hobos ear-rape minge and people play ear-rape music on their boombox is just gonna turn people away from making/entering them in the first place and then there is no point to have them at all. Problem 3: Just assuming worst case scenario, because there is nothing preventing minges from going anywhere in your public base, they can do some pretty dumb shit. This can range from going behind the counter, standing in the way of a fishing spot, blocking doorways, Grav gunning weapon shipments if you are a gun dealer, standing in front of people you are trying to rp with, and Grav gunning your alchemy table because for some reason you still cant phys-gun freeze it. This is really annoying when the same guy is just relentlessly minging the people you are trying to rp with and letting them do all this dumb shit is only hurtful to rp. Solution 3: Add a rule that states so long as the area being blocked off is completely visible from an outside perspective, that the owner may allow/not allow whoever they want into that area of the public base (Behind a store counter,VIP area, Fishing Spot, etc.). Now i know this suggestion is probably gonna get the most backlash so ima go ahead and talk about it before hand. Yes having a restricted area in a public base goes against the idea of having one in the first place but hear me out. The whole point of having the place entirely unrestricted is to prevent people from putting up a Public base sign and then stashing printers in some blocked off corner right? Well if the area being blocked off can be entirely seen from an outside perspective then there is no way farm-able items can be hidden there. Maybe even allow the base in question to have those areas checked by staff on a regular basis if the issue is of that much concern. At any rate there are perfectly good reasons that someone who is not the owner of a Public base should not be allowed in a certain part of it, whether they intend to minge or not, this server has dark rp in it for a reason and its kinda hard to rp when you got people jumping up on counters or stealing gun dealers weapon shipments. Conclusion: Public bases are places meant for people to get away from all the RDM,ear-rape and minging, so its kinda sad that these loopholes about Ear-raping and minging have existed for so long, and if you take anything from this post it should be this: The idea of Public Bases right now is Flawed and big or small, needs changing, thank you. P.s.: I want feedback from this post, mostly from staff who can see what is good about these ideas, and what needs fixing, and if the latter it to be constructive, if you read through the whole post i appreciate your time.
  11. Enhancing the Chemical Engineer Sup guys, as you may of known i love playing the chemical engineer and getting a bar going, its fun to build the bars themselves and its fun to just chill out and interact with some people in a way that isn't just: (warn 1/2/3) But playing the job long enough you start to realize some of the problems that come with the class and that what id like to address first before talking about how to fix them. Problem 1 (Potions): 1. Most Potions are either a weaker or equal version of other means of obtaining the same effects. Example: Health potions cost 300$ to make and only gives 20 health while the PD Panel grants full health for 400$, and the argument that they are better because you can carry them around only works partially as there are much better alternatives to Health potions that can be carried around(Health Injectors, Bacta Grenades) i guess if your poor and needed to carry around a worst version of healing they could be useful but its very rare people treat them that way to start with, and i know this from experience. 2. Most potions that are active overtime then immediate only last about 15-30 seconds or so Example: Beastial, invisible, growth and minify potions all have status effects overtime, and yet they last so short that some barely seem worth it. Aside from Bestial which makes you go faster, being invisible, big or small for about 10 seconds doesn't really have any uses actually in-game as there is not enough time to do anything with their current effects. 3. Some potions feel more like gimmicks then actual useful items. Example: Growth and Minify have no real use in-game, and if the point to have them in was to be as a joke item like a baby throwing SWEP then they really haven't accomplished that either because the effects barely last long enough for people to register whats happening. Instead someone will ask to have one out of curiosity only to be disappointed when they revert back to their original size within the next couple of seconds or so. 4. Potions dont feel creative or useful with their effects. Example: Some of the more basic potions like the health and defense are usually the ones with the most use in them, yet as we have already discussed because they are so basic and overall underwhelming people are more likely to just buy better alternatives and scrap the whole idea of buying them to start with. Meanwhile ones with more creativity put into them like the Invisibility, growth, minify, and character potions have very little if any use put in them, and while some of these potions dont have alternative methods of reaching the same effects would make you think they would be more sought after, the way these effects were implemented makes them just as useless and gimmicky as the ones that dont do anything at all. 5. Potions phase through props Example: Say you wanna build a bar to go along with your potions, or you just have built alot of props around where you are selling your potions, a person asks for x potion and you make it, but as soon as you grav gun it to him the potion phases through the counter, floor, wall, etc. now it starts rolling into the walls and you gotta nocollide and fading door the entire place because a single potion wouldn't just collide with the dang floor, even worse if you are in a skybase and it phases through the floor and someone below picks it up. Problem 2 (Alchemy Table): 1. The Alchemy Table has Always Been Finicky Example: As of right now looking at the items on the table will make amount they cost dissapear so you have no idea how much you are spending to make any given potion, which can be bad if you are just starting out and cant afford to go in the red to make a profit. Ontop of that sometimes if you are looking at a buy option on the alchemy table and try to interact with it it wont do anything, instead the actual button to interact with it could be off to the right somewhere and so you'll have to move your mouse around spamming e to try to buy a simple ingredient. Lastly theres the fact that you cant phy gun freeze the table itself, this means minges can literally just pick it up and run off with it, or flip it around to the point where you cant make potions, or if you have props around it cause it to go flying i know this use to be a feature and i dont understand why it was removed. Now i think thats most of the problems with the job out of the way, now id like to go about adressing each one and how we can not only fix them, but add improvments that make the class more fun and viable. Solution 1 (Potions) 1. Make Potions either stronger or more unique with how they have the similar effects as alternative methods so people are more likely to want them Example: The up to 120 hp effect for the health potions was a good start, but im thinking more of the potions should have properties like that and here are some suggestions: Defense Potion: Gives 50+ armor, getting shot has the first (x amount) of bullets damage reduced by (x%) Bestial Potion: Increases Jump, Sprint Speed, The more empty your inventory, the faster you run, status lasts for 45 seconds. Invisible Potion: Makes you nearly invisible for 45 seconds, while invisible your equipped weapon/bludgeon is also invisible 2. Just increase the status time of certain potions so people can take full advantage of their uses Example: Being invisible for 45 seconds is a whole lot better then being invisible for a measly 15 seconds 3. By altering potion uses and effects we can give them more meaning Example: Growth and Minify dont really help you with much but if being big gave you a larger health pool or being smaller allowed your hit box to be smaller then more people would use them. 4. By creating potions that have more creative and unique effects then just "give hp" or "give armor" people will be more willing to buy them because they cant find alternative methods elsewhere. Example: Here are some potions that i would really like to see implemented that i think could have a great impact on the job as a whole: KO potion: This potion will instantly knock out the person who drinks it, after being created it will disguise its name into another potion, good for kidnappers Haste Potion: This potion will give whoever drinks it a small global boost in how fast they do things (mining, chopping, fishing, barrel farming, lockpicking, hacking, etc.) Sight Potion: This potion will give the person that drank it a very limited version of 1 way fence vision for a short time Alertness Potion: This potion will save the person from being KO in any way for 5 minutes Charity Potion: This potion willforce the drinker to give 5k to a random hobo, Like the KO Potion it will be disguised so players cant tell when they drink it Re-gen Potion: Regenerates hp and armor slowly overtime for about 20 seconds (stop if the player is damaged) XP Potion: This potion gives a small xp bonus to the drinker for the next(x amount)of minutes Fishing Potion: This potion will give a increased chance to the drinker to find rare items while fishing for the next(x)minutes 5. I dont know how but via coding or something else potions gotta stop phasing through props, as well as other items Solution 2 (alchemy table) 1. These problems are mainly just down to coding so i can tell specifically how they should be fixed, just that the problems are there and those that do know how to fix them will. But a suggestion i think would just help clear it all up is to let the Engineer make potions the way the Restaurant cook makes his foods, in their own separate menu like areas and have the buttons be on a ui instead of being based off the actual prop itself to help clear up all the frustration that comes with. And i dont know how but make it so people can phys gun freeze their alchemy tables so minges cant screw with them anymore. Oh and some other features that would be cool to see are being able to put potions on entity shelves or be able to put a price on them as soon as you make them so when someone presses e on it they give you money or something idk. But that yeah that pretty much wraps it all up id love to see this job become more useful and wanted so things like bars and potion shops could have more validity to them and i hope these suggestions will help with that, laters!
  12. im almost sure a server already has the TV implemented, would love if sugar could maybe talk to that server owner and see about getting it added onto this one.
  13. K whatchu think about the other 6? really would like to get some opinions on all of them as maybe there was something that i could of added to or changed, thx for your reply on those 2 though.
  14. Im just gonna label a few thing i thought would be interesting to add for gameplay wise and motd as well so here goes: 1. Actions while sitting: Reason for adding: A couple of reasons for me and so many other people wanting this is there are many scenarios where a person is trying to grab a potion at a RP bar or is wanting to use a fishing pole while sitting on a bench but cant because of the sitting addon not supporting this. [align=left]What this will fix/do: Having some sort of work around without compromising the add on itself would really help with these situations where someone is wanting to be more interactive while sitting. 2. Any non megabase/kingdom specific jobs may only own 1 building at at time: Reason for Adding: So i think its pretty obvious that some buildings are worth more than others (growing houses, sought after bases with good defense capabilities, etc.) but when a whole block of the neighborhood can be owned by one person who spreads out their raidables prevents other players from owning those places it can get a little frustrating. At least if people can own infinity amount of bases make it so that there be some sort of door ordering system to allow them to check which doors they own in which specific location.[/align] [align=left]What this will fix: This will fix it when they do inevitably stop "using them" that a mod doesnt have to drag that person all over the place. 3. Auction job implementation: So basically the auctioneer would be able to spawn 2 things. One: a auction display case which the auctioneer can lock to prevent unwanted auctions and the ability to eject the item and is a entity of which that holds the item for auction until the auction is over at which point the item will be spawned into the persons inventory. And Two, a large TV that will display the name of the item being sold, the starting bid, current bid, and the last persons name to bid on the item. Now for the auction display case i was thinking that it could act the same way as the gen buyer except for the fact that you can only put one thing in it and that you can name the item you are wanting to auction before you put it in the display case. Now because the auctioneer is going to be facilitating the auctioning it would only be fair if there were a system in place to take 15% of the profits from the bidding before going the person who auctioned in the first place as to give the job some validity. But what would the auctioneer actually be doing? Well the answer is simple: first the auctioneer would invite all players interested in auction to a sort of party except being exclusively for auctioning. After a while the auctioneer may choose to start the auction. Now since the auction is started a "auction HUD" would appear that would show the same thing the Large TV that the auctioneer can spawn except this would be apart of a auction HUD and would also feature the ability to have a betting slider that you could move up and down to change how much you wanted to bet with a "bet" buttion aswell. Now while the auction is going on the auctioneer can have 30 seconds per bet to make 3 calls and close the auction with atleast 3 seconds between each call to prevent short auctions and that otherwise the auction will automatically be called after that time to whoever betted last. The auctioneer should also be able to cancel the auction incase of some sort of emergency to prevent high priced items from being auctioned off for very little.[/align] Reason for adding: People who are already trying to auction things are having a very hard time getting a crowd of people to do this and makes these sorts of practices almost impossible without having to spam advert. [align=left]What this will fix: Adding a job with these specific traits will make auctioning a fun and interesting new job to add more variety to the server. 4. inventory trading and graphs of trade prices from before: [/align] Reason for adding: Many people have trouble with getting scammed, not knowing what to sell something for, getting items stolen while trying to make a transaction. What this will fix: This simple method of selling and buying goods in darkrp would make scamming a thing of the past and would make trading items in tits 1000% easier. [align=left] What i mean by this is the ability to trade with someone ONE item at a time through their inventory and to then have the option in that same trading hub to be able to refer to prices of sold items through this trading method to be able to find a good price on what to sell or buy the item in question for. I also would like the idea of giving money through this trading HUD to account for those times when you are just looking to buy something and not trade a item for a item. 5. Add in MOTD a sign that allows public places to have fading doors closed off to people IF the public place is first inspected by staff to contain NO raidables: [/align] Reason for adding: Very often i find myself getting shot up at a bar i just made because little Jimmy wants to go inside the VIP area or behind the bar only to realize i wont let him and proceeds to shoot me to death "because i could have raidables in there." What this will fix: This will make it so that harmless rp public places are not shot up soley for that fact that they have a place closed off. [align=left] Now i get that claiming to be a public place with no raidables and claiming to be a public place while HIDING raidables is hard to know the difference if you don't have x ray vision but that's where staff comes in. If staff could manually look through the public place behind fading doors and put some sort of seal of approval near the bar to allow it to have fading doors locked while still being a public place that's not allowed to be raided. Like i said before i GET that having closed fading doors makes the place a target but sometimes when a guy with a AK47 wants to shoot up your public place before he gets banned that's all you got between HIM and YOU, just saying. 6. YT videos in Tits rp: Reason for adding: If someone is wanting to show a friend on the server a video they will have to do it externally taking away from the flow and experience of continuously playing on the server.[/align] What this will fix: This will help in allowing people on the server to play videos on YT with their friends without having to use a external site. [align=left]Now im PRETTY sure that some servers already have this, and to what would need to be done to have a working video player with audio must either be pretty easy, really hard im not sure, but i can definitely tell you that it would be a REALLY good addition to the server as a whole. I mean Christ you have whole SERVERS on Gmod devoted to just playing video and audio imagine how that would be like in a darkrp server? Other then that its pretty straightforward but the methods to getting this done are far beyond my knowledge. 7. more in depth farming mechanics: [/align] Reason for adding: Most farming on the server is just Mouse one and done. What this will fix: This will help by making farming on the server less of a chore and more of a dull activity. [align=left] So ive probably spent about 10 hours in total just fishing for random weapons out of the fountain and while the whole concept of fishing in the server is already quite enjoyable, i think i speak for alot of people that think fishing is probably the best attempt at making blatent farming more complex then just hitting a rock with a pick or chopping a tree with a axe. That being said if there were some sort of more detail to fishing, like for instance some sort of HUD that showed you the names of each fish and the chance you could get them or some sort of timing mini game where you have to click at the right time to drag the fish in right. Also the whole timing minigame could also be implemented for trees and rocks and maybe add something with rocks where theres a certain chance for you to get a diamond every once in a while or some other thing then just metal. 8. Dont despawn tilling plots after players have left the server: [/align] Reason for adding: Many people that buy tilling plots from other players will find really quickly that sooner or later their investment will be disappearing along with any almost grown plants with it. What this will fix: This will make tilling plots act the same as printers and processors and thereby make them just as flexible in terms of reliable money making. So idk if this was left out of the other non-despawnable raidables but i think it should be treated as such since anyone who has the item regardless of ownership can profit from it making it on par with printers and processors. Then again if there was a reason for leaving this out in the first place i understand. Now im not saying i want to add all these things because the server needs them to be "good" the server itself is already in good standing order as far as im concerned, i just want it to become more than that and i think by adding or at the very least considering these suggestions would be a step in the right direction, thanks!
  15. So a while ago on the server i had a CC with like 2 weapon slots and the activation tag was like "Butt_Dick_550" or something like that, my steam name is: Twitch_xCrumpaloox and my steam id is https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198318673724/ The model was a security guard and it had equipped a auto-shotty and a master sword, im thinking the last time i used it was around the start or middle of 2017 with there being atleast 2 other people on the CC but what im thinking happened was with all the updates over that duration that it may have hidden the CC away from showing up on my UI.
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