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drew_babb last won the day on June 13 2017

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  1. Not much you can do against a couple of neckbeard manchildren with a pay to win hack
  2. I dont know if its this hack in specific, but this shits been happening for the past 2 days, Some kids come on and do it and fuck up everyones day.
  3. So today, around 2:30 pm alaskan standard time, some.. interesting things happened. At first, all the props in an area disapeared, along with doors in an area, then, I, along with a few others Im sure, got a sit denial message from a player named sdk. Him and Δημόδοκος Αγγελίδης kept talking shit about the server, I have screenshots. This is the sit denial message Your Admin request was denied by sdk for the following reason: Stupid little nigger. Quit being a whining little bitch its fucking Garry's Mod and just fucking do whatever you want! It's CALLED NIGGERRP FOR A REASON FAGGOT Soon after that, the server started to pull the same shit as yesterday, as in, all props at the time were removed along with all doors and windows. People were stripped of all their weapons, although just changing jobs gave you everything back. Respawning takes much longer than it did before and theres several people claiming that a crash will fix the server. People are also being kicked periodically by Quad0 for the reason: Unresponsive callback. This is the screenie of the original sit denial message. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1103808467 This is the screenie of that guy with the weird ass name talkin shit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1103808499 This is the screenie of the guy with the weird name spamming some shit http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1103808518 Anyway, I think we should all try to remain calm during these times and try not to do anything important until we know the server is fixed for good, I've heard several people bitching about how theyve lost so much whenever all the props disappear. Dont act rash and dont try to crash the server unless a mod/admin actually want it, which is unlikely. +1 for everyone to calm down oh fuck, forgot to include who I am, Im The Daddy Putin/Lord Putin
  4. I + 1 this, amazing guy in general. Don't know him, deserves a Nobel peace prize and a blowjob from sugar himself.
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