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Squeak Ball Wag


Squeak Ball Wag's Achievements



  1. Priority: High When you inventory unproccessed drugs and then you drop them it says there are 0 drugs in the box please fix this.
  2. Add resteraunt owner please, it will add to the RP experience.
  3. Name: -Third World Jew Age: -15 Steam profile link: -http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198246414228/ Why should we hire you?: -I follow orders. I used to play military rp and im trained to follow orders. This is important to upkeeping the clan and not having a bunch of noobies running around without commands/jobs. Also without this our group will be less effective. Im very good at building. Ive been building since 2010. Im great at base building, not the best though. A safe base is important to keeping your loot stored and is important so you can have a steady cash flow. Im also skilled in gun fighting. Ive played Gmod since 2010 and im experienced with guns. This is handy during base defense and raiding. Im also great at raiding. The more raids you complete, the more loot you get, which means the more money you get. Lastly im experienced on this server. I have a good amount of hours on the server and im loyal. Loyalty gets respect and trust. Do you agree with all the rules?: -Yes, without following the rules the clan would become chaos.
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