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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by strive

  1. Lit, cya soon. Happy birthday my dude!
  2. strive

    Money Reset

    This has been a bug, it started to happen while Sugar was on vacation, I think he keeps logs of money so he might be able to do something.
  3. M9K is fine, besides the double barrel... that things crazy Every server I've been on that has m9k, the weapons kill extremely fast, like extremely fast. Maybe you can configure the damage settings I'm not sure, all I know is thats something I like about TitsRP is gunfights last longer than 2 seconds.
  4. M9k is a bad idea, at least the damage. M9k literally kills in under 1 second at times, all the weapons are horribly unbalanced. DO NOT add m9k unless it's just for the models
  5. Welcome! I enjoy farming olives. We will have to farm olives together sometime
  6. Use the correct format please CLOSED Jk Ni?️?️a
  7. And I will forever be in sits where Chucky thinks he can kill you and we all have a good laugh.
  8. I think either limiting the amount of animated materials that can be used at once by one person or removing just the animated materials entirely would be a possible solution. I'm not opposed to that, although it would completely destroy a lot of the OP bases that need fixing. Giving tthe raider a fair shot.
  9. strive

    ThirdPerson WH

    Normal exploiting is near impossible to prove unless you record it. And on top of that there's a clear difference, if someone in PUBG used it to see through buildings they would be banned as opposed to around corners.
  10. strive

    ThirdPerson WH

    Yeah I've noticed people use this tactic what needs to be distinguished, is if it's exploiting to try to use third person to look through walls into bases, I think it should be, but no one bans for it so I feel it's a gray area.
  11. A historical moment for TitsRP... The first newspaper. Newspaper was lit, except for the interview part, why did you interview that faggot?
  12. It was a thread about basing. And it turned toxic, I'm closing this thread before it goes 6 pages long with you flaming each other. CLOSED
  13. Gotta love those graphics settings. 13 processors would make so much more money than those printers. I got 28 blowtorches just from those processors. Yo :B: we also had 14 processors untill a silly trap blew everything up :/ that's how much better we are than your dumbass, we don't care if our money makers get blown up and we don't show off that we're better than you untill you think you're cool :^) T R I G G R E D LMAO holy shit if you're not salty Plus can we mention how you spelled "Until" Wrong 2 times. not triggered, just showing you guys didn't have shit for a farm and you probably never will Next person to make a reply insulting the other will be warned, I don't care who started it, stop taking a thread about basing and turning it into drama, how toxic of a person do you have to be, to be able to do that? I will also close this thread if you guys don't knock it off.
  14. Gotta love those graphics settings. 13 processors would make so much more money than those printers. I got 28 blowtorches just from those processors. Yo :B: we also had 14 processors untill a silly trap blew everything up :/ that's how much better we are than your dumbass, we don't care if our money makers get blown up and we don't show off that we're better than you untill you think you're cool :^) T R I G G R E D LMAO holy shit if you're not salty Plus can we mention how you spelled "Until" Wrong 2 times. How about we all just fuck off and be nice to each other :) (I'm not targeting anyone I quoted, I just saw people being meanieheads)
  15. I always knew he was a war criminal.
  16. Would be pretty nice, as long as they aren't rediculously OP. We could also make a Sheriff class that has a revolver
  17. I've received this error a bunch but I haven't found a way to reproduce it. Somedays I get it, somedays I don't
  18. What about a Center for Disease Control building for Hazmat
  19. Its allowed idiot. Allowed ≠ Not annoying
  20. Heck off with these bumps you hecking idiot
  21. I highly recommend you private message him on discord Discord link: https://discordapp.com/invite/Zpwn2g?utm_source=Discord%20Widget&utm_medium=Connect
  22. ^ This As Walter said, it is still RDM, just like bricking people as Picolas Cage for no reason is still RDM.
  23. I don't see why you couldn't do this. I'm sure Sugar would be okay with it, but I guess we'll wait to here it from the man himself.
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