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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by HrachKarap

  1. I think you should add Premium VIP for $20 and Community Supporter for $75. You can add more jobs for premium VIP, custom classes and 1 million ingame and possibly give them a tag on forums and the server saying [PREMIUM VIP]. For Community supporter you can give them [COMMUNITY SUPPORTER] on forums and ingame in gold color. For Community supporter you can make a TS3 server and dedicate channels to them, give them votekick option on DarkRp, add custom skins to their weapons, custom weapons, custom classes and etc. 5 million ingame $. Personally i would be more than happy 2 purchase these. Me being Admin or mod on other major servers know what works and what does not. I personally think it will help fund the server alot!
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