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Kappa Karma


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kappa Karma

  1. ;.; "35015 vote(s)" damn +1 for admin!
  2. Update: It happened again to a player named Chloe
  3. Bug Description: Besically I was rping as master chief and this hobo lord came up and hit me with the bludgeon... Then all this freaky shit started happenening. Sorry about the bad video OBS has been glitching and I am trying to figure out why the video lags so badly when I record. - it should be enought to show the issue - but basically I was hit by a bludgeon and it glitched me. I couldnt die and I couldnt damage others, I also couldnt use any ammo. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiFDn3ntYpk&feature=youtu.be ~ Again sorry about the 1 frame in the video xD Idk why OBS recorded it like that if anyone knows a fix plz hmu How to reproduce: I dont guess you can... Cuddly Kraken just tested it and it works fine now I dont know if this is still an issue so I am still going to post this Priority: Medium
  4. Damn.. This all is bullshit man. He should get his weapon back and you guys should fix the dropping issue. So many people have lost so many guns... Blowtorches are expensive as fuck and they glitch all the time to where you cannot drop them. Its all just bullshit.
  5. This nigga come onto the forums looking to be roasted but his mirror should be enough to roast him by itself. Like you would think its time for plastic surgery after having to buy 4 different mirrors in the past 4 days.
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