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Kappa Karma


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Kappa Karma

  1. I saw this a lot yesterday while driving my motorcycle around. +1 for fix
  2. :( everyone stop hating on Piggy its not his fault :C
  3. Bug / Exploit Description: You can inventory the admin stick and it could be bad! How to reproduce: hold out admin stick and type /invholster Priority: High
  4. One is a report, one is a guide
  5. Add a command for undercover cop that allows them to change their playermodel to a specific player. Like if Pippy was mayor and I did !undercover pippy it would change me to be undercover as Pippy's job. Because the undercover swep is always fucked up and wont let you scroll down and you cant see most of the availible jobs. Either add the command or fix the undercover swep plz.
  7. It was 720p60 Oh... Either way we dont need that shit 420 is fine xD
  8. Like Quarel said I would suggest putting the video quality down. We are all friends here we dont need 1080p video. I feel the video would be better if you cut out the ignorant assholes who ignored you and also lowered the voice input on your recording software because at certain parts of the video, your voice got really loud and there was a loud WISP. +1 for owner
  9. Exploit Description: If you but a shovel for $60 you can sell it for $333. How to reproduce: Buy a shovel < sell it to general buyer Highish?
  10. This would be pretty cool but I doubt it.
  11. Quality of Life Description: I have never used the bounty hunter job so I decided to become one. I had heard u get good money and I'm poor so I turned into the job. I pickpocketed a cop of his bounty list and got a bounty. I then saw the guy running down the street so I shot him and killed him. idk if this is supposed to happen but it said I would get $55,000 but instead gave me $5,500. How to reproduce: Get a bounty/complete it Priority: Smedium Proof Been doing this and I have noticed: It takes a zero off of your first amount. Examples: 10,000 = 1,000 50,000 = 5,000 100,000 = 10,000 IDK if its supposed to do this so thats why I am posting this :)
  12. Ask the simpsons. They predicted Trump,911, and a bunch of other shit. Maybe they can predict this!
  13. omfg Quarel you're fucking amazing at trickshotting! <3
  14. +1 for owner Watrufukngay? Who plays Minecraft anymore...? Minecraft totally isnt pinned to my start menu or anything...
  15. Bug Description: So basically yesterday, I got a report of someone who duped someone else's building without permission. Seeing how the person was VIP I didnt know how it was even possible. So I did a test in a staff room, by asking Not Bill Cosby in OOC if I could bring him for a test. Basically I placed down a prop, while he was not on my buddies, and he was able to dupe it. Then as he placed it down the user who was in the sit could dupe it but I stopped recording that part, you can hear at the VERY end of the video where the guy says "second test" he stackers the props upwards. I'm not sure what all tools they can use on people's props, but I do know it's possible. How to reproduce: Place a prop and a VIP/user can toolgun it. Priority: High? This video is trash: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FAap0KJi6vM&feature=youtu.be I was also talking through the whole thing explaining what was happening but I had my mic volume down in OBS ;.;
  16. Okay I was really confused lol thanks
  17. I was hopping on gmod to play my favorite server, TitsRP, and I stumbled across this before I joined... Anyone know what it means?? http://imgur.com/a/YLE7R This is some weird shit...
  18. oml I thought u was gonna post some dramatic thing about how your gf left you or some shit but nah I click the post and get this lmfao... I would put this to high because the server now knows about it and everybody gonna be tryna do it I'm also single so if u wanna meet up sometime ;)
  19. Maybe adding more materials? Click here to view It adds a lot of extra materials and would give the a lot more material options.
  20. Thats not the bug I am reporting xD But yeah thats true
  21. Bug Description: So basically, I was standing by the gas station and someone came up to me and knocked me out. I was then killed and sent back to spawn, I was also given this message: Click here to view screenshot. I am not sure which citizen playermodel it is because every time you respawn it changes the previous model. So I would suggest going through each playermodel and checking all the Citizen job models. How to reproduce: Be a certain citizen model and get knocked out with a bludgeon. Priority: High?
  22. Yeah i dont like u but happy birthday Jk ur actually pretty cool <3
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