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R3ZIONIC / SuperiorServers


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  1. Bug Description: So it's not actually like a general bug I think but what happened is. So, I had this Gold Deagle in my pocket alright here is the proof (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=872438760) then there was that guy that wanted to buy it, he wanted the most proof so I took it out then showed it to him, I tried to put it back by trying /invholster and /drop like x1000 times and it said: Can't Drop This Weapon!, then punished kevin tped me somewhere so I told him all the story I was fkn sweating and shit, then he told me that he would try everything he can, he called another mod he said that they couldn't really do shit so then I was like: WTF am I gonna do now, he put me somewhere safe when nobody could have killed me, well they could by actually going on the bridge, but we didn't know that, so I was waiting and waiting cause he toled me that he will try to contact Sugar or any active admin's, no one responded, so I was still waiting I told him that I'm not going or leaving the server without it, then their was that guy that I added today on skype: Zek, he was speaking French with me, so we where basing and all, when I told him the prob he asked me where I was, I told him everything and where I was, then he came, and some sort got on the bride and RDM'd me, I called kevin, I was stressing my ass off cause I lost the gun and everything then he banned him for 59 mins and told me to go make a report or something so Sugar would be aware. ALL PROOF ON VIDEO: How to reproduce: I don't know it's pretty unique Id say. Priority: Pretty fuckin high You can clearly see in my screenshot that I had it in my inventory could I please have it back Sugar I really liked it I'm on the server rn Please Sugar just drop it back for me men :( Please
  2. Bug Description: So it's not actually like a general bug I think but what happened is. So, I had this Gold Deagle in my pocket alright here is the proof (http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=872438760) then there was that guy that wanted to buy it, he wanted the most proof so I took it out then showed it to him, I tried to put it back by trying /invholster and /drop like x1000 times and it said: Can't Drop This Weapon!, then punished kevin tped me somewhere so I told him all the story I was fkn sweating and shit, then he told me that he would try everything he can, he called another mod he said that they couldn't really do shit so then I was like: WTF am I gonna do now, he put me somewhere safe when nobody could have killed me, well they could by actually going on the bridge, but we didn't know that, so I was waiting and waiting cause he toled me that he will try to contact Sugar or any active admin's, no one responded, so I was still waiting I told him that I'm not going or leaving the server without it, then their was that guy that I added today on skype: Zek, he was speaking French with me, so we where basing and all, when I told him the prob he asked me where I was, I told him everything and where I was, then he came, and some sort got on the bride and RDM'd me, I called kevin, I was stressing my ass off cause I lost the gun and everything then he banned him for 59 mins and told me to go make a report or something so Sugar would be aware. ALL PROOF ON VIDEO: How to reproduce: I don't know it's pretty unique Id say. Priority: Pretty fuckin high I really need it back Sugar please
  3. Nothing to do so I did some emblems for TitsRP :D Tell me if you like them :D http://imgur.com/a/dUUAl http://imgur.com/a/rsnlE
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