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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CowsRChunky

  1. Good afternoon everyone! As always, I hope that everyone is having a great day so far. Also, I hope everyone had a fun 4th of July and had a fun time with their family and friends. The purpose of this thread is that I have a few rules that I believe are open to interpretation and I would like to hear from the entire admin/mod community as a whole. I ask you to read into this thread and make your decision purely on logic and to please not get emotionally distraught as your read through; regardless of what may or may not have happened to you in game in the past. With that being said, allow me to elaborate. In order to understand the rationale of the discussion that will take place below, one must first understand 2 bits of information. The first is the definition of raiding and the second are the rules in regards to civilians. The definition of raiding, which can be found at the bottom of the general rules is "Definition of Raiding: Having the INTENT TO INVADE another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, TRESPASSING someone else's house should be considered a raid." As for the second piece of information, all you need to know is that Civilians ARE allowed to kidnap. This can be found under civilian rules. Here's the dilemma that I'd like to present to you all. Let's say that you're a civilian (citizen character for example) who has the intent to kidnap a really rich player and hold them for ransom for lots of money. So, in order to gain access to said rich players home you make an advert to sell processors/printers. You then are given permission to come in. Once you're in, you make an attempt to kidnap (no doubt the person will resist and pull out a gun because they wont want to lose their things), the both of you get into a firefight and you kill the homeowner. Afterwards, as a real kidnapper would do in real life (and would also make sense in RP) they would rob/damage the things in the home afterwards without much regard (because they don't live there, a criminal is not going to care what happens to a strangers house). So here's my interpretation of it. If you are a citizen who adverts selling printers/processors with intent to kidnap, and are allowed into a base, but kill a homeowner after he resists, and then rob/blow up his belonging, then it's not considered a raid. It isn't considered a raid because you had no intent to invade and you weren't trespassing. Anyway, now that the argument is presented, I'd like to hear from the admins and mods (I say admins and mods only because most normal players will scream no because they don't want to be raided) on this interpretation. I personally believe that the logic is quite sound. This is not an attempt to "loophole" any rules. This is merely how I am interpreting a section of the rules that have a bit of a grey area to them. Lemme know what you all think. As always, have a great day!
  2. Well, if you include an in depth rational argument with logic backing up the basis of your decision making, then sure. That's how the world generally works. If your rationale is along the lines of "I dunt want gabenn because fuk him I'm so kawaii <3<3XOXO", the odds of getting the result you want are minimal.
  3. Haha awesome man. I appreciate all the hard work you guys do to make this server fun. I actually just stumbled on your guys youtube video of a 2 hr and 44 minute meeting on Saturday. That's a crazy amount of dedication which is very admirable. Keep up the good work. If I find more things I think would help the server, i'll make more suggestions. Thank you again sugar!
  4. Of course, I actually saw that thread above but i figured with 1800 replies that my suggestion would be overlooked lol.
  5. Good afternoon all! I hope everyone has had a great day so far. I'd like to start by saying that I really absolutely enjoy the heck out of this server as it provides a tremendous amount of things to do. It is by far my favorite DarkRP server in all of Gmod. With that being said, I've decided to finally make a suggestion thread because I plan on playing this server for awhile. I believe that the suggestion I am offering will greatly help the admins, the players and improve the overall roleplay experience of the server. Allow me to elaborate. I was playing as mayor this morning and I noticed that the police force is able to make checkpoints, which I think is fantastic as it gives the cops a good task to do rather than run around in circles waiting to see someone whip out a gun and mug someone else. The one thing that surprised me though was that the only character on the police force that has the ability to check weapons is Fantasma. At first glance this might not seem like too much of a pressing issue, but let's examine it a bit further and play out a real life scenario. 3 officers are told by the mayor to set up a checkpoint at one of the tunnels. The officers set up the checkpoint and create fading doors as needed. As people come through, the officers ask if they have any weapons. Obviously, the people passing through will say no, which leads to a dilemma. How can the officers verify that the people passing through are actually telling the truth? It essentially turns the entire idea of checkpoints and police building into that of making barricades inside of, and directly in front of, the PD to defend. Think about this as an actual town, does the Police Force stay within 20 feet of the Police Department all day and only occasionally send out a patrol/raid? When you think about it, the purpose of roleplay is for people to engage with one another in some form of communication and/or dialogue. Having police checkpoints is a great step in the right direction. All we need now is to give it one little extra push to foster more player engagement on the server. On top of that, there's more benefits to be had. To understand this benefit, we need to be honest and evaluate what typically happens on a GMOD server. Most players walk around with nothing to do, they spawn a few printers, they get bored, and a few minutes later they start running around rdming the crap out of everyone. What are the effects of this? Well, the admins get flooded nonstop with RDM sits, the players doing the RDMing are bored (and assholes), the people getting RDM'd get frustrated, and worst of all, only rarely do the cops actually get the opportunity to intervene because it ends up going to a sit shortly after. How will allowing weapon checks change this scenario? Well, the police who are choosing to be cops WANT to engage criminals in some way. They expect to be shot at. They're not going to complain to an admin, they're going to return fire. What better way to satisfy this urge than to literally have them on the front lines around the map engaging criminals. The criminals are who they are because they want to be evil and shoot things. The criminals are like fire and the cops like water. Having checkpoints with weaponchecks will actually allow the police to effectively patrol, safeguard and fight the criminals which gives both parties something to do. How does this benefit the admins? Well, let's think about it. Rather than having Billy the Bank Heister start shotgunning the shit out of civilians after he's got some cash, he now has a clear enemy to fight. The cops are expecting this type of behavior and actually want to deal with criminals. With the criminals focusing their time on the police force who WILLINGLY want to do the job, it will lead to far less RDM reports flooding the admins' inbox. Finally, and most important, it will make the server more fun. The reason why people play GMOD and stick to certain servers is because that server provides entertainment. The reason why most people leave servers is because they get bored. If we create things to do, people will enjoy themselves more and the community will grow. Let's recap why adding weapon checking for all police officers is a good idea. 1. It gives the police force more actual relevance in the game by putting on the front lines to engage with the community. 2. It keeps the criminals and the cops busy fight eachother (which is literally what should be happening). 3. It will lead to less mass RDMing and a lighter workload for the admins. 4. Most importantly, it will add more fun to the server. With that being said, thank you all so much for taking the time to read and have a great day! If anyone has any questions, please ask! Also, how bout that +1 Rep for taking like 30 minutes to write this all out :3?
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