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City Boy


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  1. Cool, you fixed the timer, what about the second revolt? It still says "There is not a mayor online to revolt, wat r u doin"
  2. Bug / Quality of Life Description: You can't revolt against a mayor more than once during their time in office. How to reproduce: After a revolt leader is killed and waiting some amount of time, and the mayor is still alive, try to revolt again. The !revolt command will say "There is no mayor, wat r u doin" Comments about Quality of Life: I believe the !revolt command should never fail silently. It should possibly display a time left to revolt if revolt isn't ready, like the bludgeon tool does for kidnapping, and the mug timer does for mugging. Priority: Medium
  3. Quality of Life Description: Weapons with special abilities are confusing because they do not specify a unit for measurement. Where there may be a percent or unit of measurement there is not. "This weapon sells for 167 more" or something similar. What is it, is it 167 dollars more, or 167 percent? Through testing I've determined it's the latter, but I would assume the ambiguity is restrictive for new players. "This weapon makes you move 24 faster", again, 24 percent, or 24 hammer units per second faster? If they are percentages, I would suggest that the "%" be used, or in the case it cannot be programmatically escaped, use "percent". If they are not percentages, I would suggest using the units the special ability refers to. How to reproduce: Look at a weapon with a special ability. Priority: Low
  4. Bug Description: The M-16 Mine is something that can spawn out of the processor. It's placed similar to a landmine. The problem is that the mine doesn't do anything when anyone walks over it, making it useless. It doesn't seem to be triggered by shooting it, either. Courses of action are actually fixing it, or removing it so it doesn't show up in the processor's weapon pool. How to reproduce: Place the M-16 Mine, walk over it, shoot it, it won't do anything. Priority: Medium
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