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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Whitefox

  1. Whitefox


    Back then the logs were shit where you literally had to search for the user in a drop-down menu which was completely random and it sucked ass.
  2. Buy all of Sam's models. Good luck getting 500+ million.
  3. ...kill himself because he doesn't want to follow these orders anymore, but...
  4. ...up because he stole his...
  5. ...One day he decided to... (This will need some polishing once its done lol)
  6. ...Which had the great power...
  7. Would recommend posting on server suggestions thread. https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=175&page=232
  8. Since this game is RP at its core, an XP system doesn't fit in properly in a lot of cases which is why the XP restriction on categories was implemented. I want to give people XP for playing the game but it doesn't stop Jimmy and Bobby from sitting in the corner fining each other and what not to gain XP. There isn't supposed to be a grind, the whole point of the gang system was to just work towards something at some point and reward you for playing the game. What perks do you feel like are useless? You know how difficult it is to think of 50 different perks, 27 gang talents (which weren't supposed to even be a thing) and have every single one of them be worth the effort? There will be some in there that don't appeal to you or are blatantly there because I couldn't think of anything else at the time. Some perks were swapped out for performance reasons such as being able to get an item when someone sells it at a very low chance. It might make a good perk though. Behind the scenes the current stuff in development are: New Scoreboard (this is done) New F4 Menu (haven't started this) Rework of boombox (not rly my idea so don't throw a fit but this is 90% done, we also have a custom model now) New Reputation System (this is like 20%) After that, I want to experiment with some web stuff and set up a ban page and add in the rest of the reworked jobs and newer jobs like the King, Blackbeard, ect Here are some things that I can show you right now That looks very nice and it fits in with the rest of the UI 10/10
  9. 2 vids = More views = more muni?
  10. Instead of the whole crazy rocked pod spawn you could simply have a drop down from spawn so that once you are out of spawn you wouldn't be able to go back in
  11. Bug / Exploit Description:If you happen to have 2 printers before the server restarts/crashes and after it restarted you place down 2 printers and do !recover you can get 4 printers or more. How to reproduce: Place down printers, wait for crash/restart, place down 2 printers do !recover Priority:?
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