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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Lizord

  1. You really don't have a say. I remove channels most of the time because it gets way too Unorganized.


    The top people who can do things are as listed bellow:

    - Allysa (Me)

    - Sugar

    - Toecan

    - Morins

    - Gazooks

    - Crt


    Considering i made all the rules and channels, But i might go into consideration in adding some new ones preventing this.

    Uhhh, we ALL use the Teamspeak, we ALL have a say in it.

  2. Morins and I worked on the Teamspeak and alphabetized the Custom rooms tonight. That might not stay for long though. These are things that we may be doing in the future. Don't freak out if this happens:

    1. Removing all custom channels. There's this thing called "Semi-Permanent Channels" which lasts on the teamspeak until you (the creator) disconnects. This will work better in our interest to keep the Teamspeak clean and minimal. This will lessen the burden on Allysa and will make the Teamspeak clean and minimal.  :)
    2. Anyone who isn't Admin or higher on the server will be revoked of Operator.
      • This is done because Channels have passwords for a reason.
      • Also to prevent people who are easily tempted by using the Operator power to be a dick (aka moving people out constantly)
      • There will be more channels that are Public/Community-oriented for all people in Teamspeak to make the Teamspeak feel less segregated


    I think everyone is trying to make such a big deal out of it. It really all comes down to not randomly moving people and try to use some manners.

    Exactly. And I get on the Teamspeak everyday, and use my channel, so I definitely don't want to have to remake that channel everytime I get on, so I don't think that'd be fair for everyone.

  3. I'm here to propose a short set of rules for the Teamspeak, to keep it organized and useful.


    1. No moving around private channels without poking someone in it first (Excludes staff meeting channel)

    This rule is pretty simple. A lot of people use private channels when they're trying to play games without interruptions but still people will move in and out of channels, or move people into other people channels, basically, don't do that.


    2. No poking someone more than twice every 30 minutes

    Once again, very simple. I'm sure Sugar would love this rule. Nothing is more annoying, then than damn Teamspeak lady telling you to wake up and people love to spam this, thoroughly annoying the heck out of the receiver of the pokes. Of course, pokes are useful for getting someones attention, so they need to be used sometimes, I think the limit for poking an individual person should be twice every half hour.


    3. Using the appropriate channel

    Basically, if a channel has something like (playing Minecraft) or (watching Youtube) in the title, don't join the channel unless you plan on, playing Minecraft or watching Youtube with the other people in the channel.


    3. No editing or deleting channels without the channel owners consent


    Okay all these rules are really simple. If you own a private channel, put your Teamspeak username in the "Topic" of the channel (ex. "Channel for tractor enthusiasts, owned by Billy Bob"


    The "punishment" for breaking rules 1, 2 and 3 would simply be a kick, breaking rule 4 or repeatedly breaking rules could be a temporary ban.


    Of course, these rules have to be approved by Morins, but I think they are reasonable

  4. Some stupid fucker deleted my teamspeak channel and I demand answers.

    Actually. Someone just completely edited the channel. Seriously, don't do that, it took my awhile to make and you deleted my picture and everything.

  5. ALSO: Razer laptops are very thin, which, at first, is good right? But if you're playing games for 3+ hours, it's gonna overheat, it's a known issue, powerful components in a thin frame, it can't move air fast enough to keep it cool. Buy a laptop if you want, but, make sure it stays cool.

  6. GET RID OF CRIPS/BLOODS. And replace those jobs with the Italian mobs (Genovese's and Lucchese's) and the way they fight is, they CANNOT rdm each other on sight. They can however, raid each other WITHOUT calling raid, and they can do something like, maybe target a specific member of the other family (EX: /advert The Genovese's are coming for Don Lucchese!) and then they assassinate that mobster (of course they can only assassinate people, every, maybe 5 or 10 minutes) This would add much more RP/get rid off all the people who kill each other in spawn as Crip/Blood, or just completely rdm. It'd be much less obnoxious.

    • Sad 1
  7. I've played on the server forrrrr.... about 1 year now I do believe! But now I've been much more active/am staff. I also used to play on a server called Frozen Odyssey, so if you're coming from there, hecko and welcome! But now I've been much more active/am staff. If I know you know the rules I'll probably ban you without saying anything. No one has time for your shit. If you want a computer built please contact me!!!! I love music/am super hipster elitist about it too.

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