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�Dont @ me�


�Dont @ me�'s Achievements



  1. please read the forums post for what you can say and what you cant.because you can offend someone. Thank you!
  2. I am Not sure if this is a addon or not but you should make the task npcs' give better rewards like a random shipment.I think that brings more excitement to the table.Since the server likes to raid a lot this would replace the processor if you dont want to blow 20k-60k on that.maybe add a messenger class for the parcel delivery. Another thing is the Homeland addon. This is by-far my most favorite Darkrp mod to date and trust me i have played a TON of darkrp servers.It just needs to be fixed like the printer overclock-er does not work.the printer battery extender does not work.and sometimes all of the materials needed do not show up so i have to dump things that i thought i needed but don't in the crafting table. And Also please add 1 more printer.Sometimes The 35k bitminer is awkward and sometimes does not fit in some bases. Thank you ;D
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