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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by AngelOfSin

  1. I'm a mod from forever ago. (I will be your friend)
  2. I am back after a long break from this server, I dont know how many people will remember me cause I have no clue who is still active on this server from when I was a mod. Anyways I'm not even 100% on if I plan on sticking around or not but Im going to attempt to I left because this server gave me migraines
  3. Whoops my B I'll re close it XD
  4. talk shit get hit (with a demote)
  5. So here's my 2 cents on this situation. If you are a full mod and taking sits that seem easy just because you want a high sit count, pm sugar now and don't ever apply for mod again, if you are a tmod who does it good luck in the future. The ignore button is there because there are some sits that can easily be summed up in a few words, which is why custom ignore is a thing. Yeah it may seem like a douche thing to do but we need to prioritize our sits and set an example of how sits should be done for the tmods. Now I understand if like there is absolutely nothing else to take, but do you really need to hit the claim button? Aren't all your other options there too? Is it hard to use @ chat to let other mods know you're going to deal with it? also to address the "the gun fell through" thing, once its outside of the map you cant bring it back in, it usually despawns or it'll collide with the opposite side not allowing it to go through.
  6. of course how could we forget the most important update ever to the server. But on a serious note every job has access to the CP items atm
  7. Keypad cracker is like armor on spawn now i believe, i had to pm sugar to add it to my CC. So I believe it not being there is not a bug
  8. Bug Description: You cant drop or inv holster some items after equipping them How to reproduce: Try dropping certain items (so far Ive seen it happen to blowtorches, spinguns, and bleach) Priority: Medium
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