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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Alfonzo

  1. Waifu's Gang

    Owner: Alfonzo


    Co-Owner: Babs Morgan, Kyker


    Head-Officer: Glarry


    Members: Chiken Nuggots, Apex 1, Asanti0, SackKitty06




    Gang Description: Raiding/Basing Gang, We stick together , and just chill. Its all about having fun! It is a New Gang but farming everyday for XP!


    Current Gang Level: 9


    Application Format


    In-game name:


    Steam name:


    Previous Gangs:


    Hours Played:


    Hours played this week:


    Game-Tracker Score:




    What can you provide for the gang during Raids and Basing:


    Do you have a mic (Doesn't matter just good to know):


    Who's your favourite Waifu:


    Gametracker link(just search for your steam name):


    Kicked Members: Toni (Starting Drama)

  2. Description: 100% Accuracy with Tranq


    How to reproduce: Use Zoom button , ( If not binded to a button go to your gmod menu thingy ) and dont move your mouse , (zoom in on a  players head ) then you have a 100% accuracy on that players head then you can basically instantly kidnap them


    Priority:  Medium

  3. Sammah, you can take me off the admin list, I did my job getting the gang on it's feet, but grape doesn't think that. I left and went back to rare gang with my lads. Grape took administrator away from me in the discord too ;-; If you are ever off Overwatch, just take me off it lmao


    Much appreciated, On Helping with the Gang , I am sure that you would be welcome back anytime. We just need to get everyone on And farming , because ive been workin my ass off for xp xD. But still <3 from Alfonzo , Luv u wrath , u gei homo reptilian.

  4. RlOlTQC.png


    Welcome to the Bears


    What we are:

    Owner: North Bear

    Officers: Shammy Bear and Bear Muffin

    Members thus far (72): Lil Bear, Hamta Bear, LSD, Manikan Man, Fluffy Wolf, La Quica, Bearss, Munkir, Jack Johnson, badgerr, Bexx, Gas Mask Civ, Imjustabear, Hyperbear, Thegod098, Panda collision, GN Isaac, Stealthy Candy Man, Darkmode, Gabes, Mcobble, Sherriff, The Lawless, John Do, Manikan man, Confused Bear, Jolly rockjawz, PandaDeeBear, Lil' Keemstar, Cool Bear, HungryNman, Foxx, Moist Chicken, Amfaufar, fatal, big man tyrone, som ting wong (Will add the rest later)

    Level status: 45

    Alies: CX, N!NJ4(ask RaceOpone)

    Talents: Inventory selling, VIP for 3 mil, /size command, Rare fishing


    What we do:

    Protect: We protect our alies and our members

    Serve: We are nice people and serve those that need our help

    Raid: Not so much unless we gather up once in a while.

    Grind: Yes fam, XP and Money for CC slots.

    Sell: VIP for 3.1 milion


    What we like:

    Making friends

    Hanging around


    Being pet

    Being a pet

    Help out the newer players


    What we don't like:


    Stealing from gangmembers

    Constantly raiding


    We work with verbal warns and will only give one ONCE. You will be kicked if everyone gets sick of you.



    I want to join:

    Just copy the text below and past it in a new reply!



    Ingame name:




    Steam name and ID:




    Howmany warns do you have:




    Any past gangs:




    Why do you want to join:





    No longer allowed to join:

    Alfonzo, Super Aryan God Hitler, Wrath


    tf why am i banned XD?



    Prop cause you robbed bank a couple of times


    Yeah wouldn't surprise me , a lot of salt gets past round these parts.

  5. RlOlTQC.png


    Welcome to the Bears


    What we are:

    Owner: North Bear

    Officers: Shammy Bear and Bear Muffin

    Members thus far (72): Lil Bear, Hamta Bear, LSD, Manikan Man, Fluffy Wolf, La Quica, Bearss, Munkir, Jack Johnson, badgerr, Bexx, Gas Mask Civ, Imjustabear, Hyperbear, Thegod098, Panda collision, GN Isaac, Stealthy Candy Man, Darkmode, Gabes, Mcobble, Sherriff, The Lawless, John Do, Manikan man, Confused Bear, Jolly rockjawz, PandaDeeBear, Lil' Keemstar, Cool Bear, HungryNman, Foxx, Moist Chicken, Amfaufar, fatal, big man tyrone, som ting wong (Will add the rest later)

    Level status: 45

    Alies: CX, N!NJ4(ask RaceOpone)

    Talents: Inventory selling, VIP for 3 mil, /size command, Rare fishing


    What we do:

    Protect: We protect our alies and our members

    Serve: We are nice people and serve those that need our help

    Raid: Not so much unless we gather up once in a while.

    Grind: Yes fam, XP and Money for CC slots.

    Sell: VIP for 3.1 milion


    What we like:

    Making friends

    Hanging around


    Being pet

    Being a pet

    Help out the newer players


    What we don't like:


    Stealing from gangmembers

    Constantly raiding


    We work with verbal warns and will only give one ONCE. You will be kicked if everyone gets sick of you.



    I want to join:

    Just copy the text below and past it in a new reply!



    Ingame name:




    Steam name and ID:




    Howmany warns do you have:




    Any past gangs:




    Why do you want to join:





    No longer allowed to join:

    Alfonzo, Super Aryan God Hitler, Wrath


    tf why am i banned XD?

  6. Ingame name: Alfonzo

    Previous gangs: Bears

    Hours played: 138 Hours

    Hours played past week: 45.67 Hours

    Gametracker score: 205

    Age: 15

    What can you provide regarding raids: Well i own the max amount of cc's 3 , 1 of them being a cp cc . the 2 that i have for raiding and what not have OP weapons. I am good at surviving and killing but in PD raids that darn jug always gets me. I know what i am doing and know how to prepare using potions , c4 .

    I own many weapons , sledgehammers , health stations , armour stations.

    What can you provide regarding basing:I can build quite well, Im not the best , but i was a very used and abused , engineer on a starwarsrp server that was very liked , because they loved what i built. i know how to farm for money and stuff using procs . I know how to defend , using the right weapons and right building methods. 

    Do you use a mic: Yes , i dont use it often atm as i honestly rather type, as alot of irl things are happening to my house.

    What is your favourite food: Cheese

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