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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by zell

  1. Any update on this..?
  2. ... Jesus lmfao, I had roughly 2 mil + at the time, this is no precise numbers, just estimating >_
  3. So i betted half my cash today at the NPC, it said it would be rock paper scissors, so i was like ok. I pressed the button that said how much money i would be betting, i instantly got kicked out the menu and half of my money was now gone!. Could i get compensation? i lost roughly 1.5 mil. Pic that shows i will have the option to pick rock paper scissors. https://i.gyazo.com/5f033eea929b9488bea599a1db7003ae.jpg. Examples of each, note all of these are just examples and don't actually exist Bug Description: Extreme Gambler is broken/gives false information. Says that you will be able to pick 3 options, Rock Paper Or scissors, but then when you press the option that says how much mone you will be betting, it kicks you of the npc and you loose half the money. How to reproduce: Make sure it gives you the option to let you pick rock paper or scissors. Priority: Medium Could i get compensation? I lost 1.5 mil..
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