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  1. Is it possible to make it so you can change job after you kidnapper dies/jailed? Because if I get kidnapped and the kidnapper gets killed or arrested I still can't change job and have to wait ages or tell someone to kill me to even change job :/
  2. Does no one care about the hazmat class? To me it literally just seems like a class to go when you want to go rdm people, The ebola system in my opinion is really stupid and shouldn't even be on the server, And the hazmat class you legit just walk around scanning people and if they have ebola out right rdm them, Which isn't considered rdm because they have ebola so its fine, I would say about 90% people kill when they go the hazmat class don't even ask people if they want the antidote its just "have ebola kos" Idk just seems a little stupid to me that there are classes that are just rdm classes.
  3. Meh most melee weapons are shit, Trying to kill someone with a melee weapon while they're moving is near impossible because the Hit detection is awful, You get lucky or pretty much have to wait till they stand still till you can hit them.
  4. Well it does say in the rules "Having a firearm without a license is illegal" So if a cp wanted they could just arrest you, So even if you did get a gun license it doesn't matter because you will still be arrested because no one can see it.
  5. I guess but there's usually not many admins on, Would love a very active admin, That's not biased just because they're staff, It seems most staff stick with what staff say even if they're abusive.
  6. Ye I know what you're saying but then you just hired the wrong guy for "head mod", The head mod still has to do everything a normal mod does but just deal with tmods/mods abusing or not understanding the rules themselves to enforce them properly
  7. Tbh paying for tmod is fine in my opinion its just having someone to deal with them, This server really needs a staff manager but an active one, one that's willing to be on everyday and deal with these abuser the minute they abuse.
  8. And please change the piano delete it from the server or change the range to very very nearby because I can hear it across the map and it actual gives me a headache after some one is playing it like 20 minutes
  9. Should remove the sound from the anon chat people talk in it so much so ever like 10 seconds its just that anon sound xD Adding custom crosshairs would be nice also, So we could have our own crosshairs
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