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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by bradyf925

  1. [*]What is your ingame username?



    [*]How many hours do you have?

    [*]92.5 (Last Checked)

    [*]How much ingame currency do you have? (will not be reflected in decision)


    [*]Why would you like to join?

    [*]I would like to join Greyguard as I don't feel like i make a difference in the server and would like to as I am raided all the time and would like to put a end to it. I also would like to join as CP has also been struggling as most people decide to be theifs or other jobs. So this is my saying to you as I want to make a difference and so do you.

    [*]Anything else you'd like to add? (if nothing, leave this question out)

    [*]Will be on mostly the entire summer!!!

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