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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Stankpussy

  1. What kind of drugs you on vro? Thank you fam.
  2. everyone on the server has had numerous occasions with dealing with how ridiculously unbalanced the juggernaut is. seeing as how the gangsta mac10 was nerfed i don't see why the juggernaut shouldn't be? it makes PD raids home raids etc very unfair being as the juggernaut has 200-300 armor I think his armor should be heavily lowered and maybe even nerf his gun or make it available for everyone. That would make things much more fair
  3. Updated ranks, allegiances, and more!
  4. Welcome to the sewers surface dweller! ============================================================================================== INTRODUCTION We are the sewer dwellers. We look upon the clean world from our sewer prison and do our illegal activities below ground plotting revolts and raids on the clean ones. Primarily We use the hobo/charple player models for all members. Allegiance means serving the Dirt Lords untill death and never disobeying. Rank is primarily based on combat prowess and/or building abilities/overall experience. ============================================================================================== RANKS Sewer Lords: Backwards, Wavy, Forward Leaders of all of the Sewer Dwellers Hand of the Sewer lords: Barrel Man, The Sewer Lords loyal guards Super Sewer Dweller: The Doc, A Nobody Men and women who have sworn their allegiance and have proven their combat prowess and their worth and value to serve the sewer for life. Sewer Dwellers General: None Highest rank that is given based on vote and previous rank Elite Sewer Dweller: A rank given to the elite of the sewer dwellers who have mercilessly raided 50 bases! Champion Sewer Dweller: A rank given to those who have successfully completed 40 raids and reported them! Skilled Sewer Dweller: A Rank given to those who have successfully completed 30 raids and reported them! Seasoned Sewer Dweller: A Rank given to those who have successfully completed 10 raids and reported them! Sewer Dweller: all Standard rank of the Sewer Dwellers. ============================================================================================== Alliances We only ally our selves with the filthy men and women of society including hobos. We are currently close allies with the tunnel snakes Currently, Our primary enemy is the PD we will always be at war with them plotting to raid and kidnap their members PUBLIC DISCORD: https://discord.gg/FYft46p
  5. thicc wdf i thought bones was a guy rip
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