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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Mr.SpookySloth

  1. In the past I have played on this server, Tits RP, was a trial mod, and had VIP. Recently when coming back on to the server to play again, I saw that I had lost my VIP rank and perks that came along with it. As far as I know, this does not happen to everyone that comes back after an extended break seeing that my friend Kennedy still had his VIP after a year or so of being away. If I could talk to someone that could help get my VIP back, that would be much obliged. I should be on today, 10/9/17, so things could be sorted out. Additional Information: My IG: Mr.SpookySloth
  2. Ya... you should have them give you nudes or something like that if they want to buy trial mod so they don't get it, preventing mass bans that shouldn't happen. If they do give you nudes though, leak them to the government or the job they work at cause... why noot?
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